
- Meanwhile, Sean Bruyea says whistleblower protections are also needed for veterans and their families because they are 'highly vulnerable to reprisals from either VAC or the company employees and subcontractors, should they occur.'
- Meanwhile, Sean Bruyea says whistleblower protections are also needed for veterans and their families because they are 'highly vulnerable to reprisals from either VAC or the company employees and subcontractors, should they occur.'
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- Operation Service Dog has provided over $2-million to help train and pair over 61 veterans with service dogs, with 27 more on the way.
- Operation Service Dog has provided over $2-million to help train and pair over 61 veterans with service dogs, with 27 more on the way.
- Operation Service Dog has provided over $2-million to help train and pair over 61 veterans with service dogs, with 27 more on the way.
- Women are veterans with their own unique experiences, needs, and voices. Instead of gender-blindness, we need to update military/RCMP and veteran policies to remove
- Women are veterans with their own unique experiences, needs, and voices. Instead of gender-blindness, we need to update military/RCMP and veteran policies to remove
- Women are veterans with their own unique experiences, needs, and voices. Instead of gender-blindness, we need to update military/RCMP and veteran policies to remove
- It's time the City of Ottawa and the feds worked together to establish a Parliamentary Precinct of which Canadians across the country can proud.

- It's time the City of Ottawa and the feds worked together to establish a Parliamentary Precinct of which Canadians across the country can proud.
- It's time the City of Ottawa and the feds worked together to establish a Parliamentary Precinct of which Canadians across the country can proud.

- Veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for our liberty both here and abroad. Yet, they must fight again to receive support from our
- Veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for our liberty both here and abroad. Yet, they must fight again to receive support from our
- Veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for our liberty both here and abroad. Yet, they must fight again to receive support from our
- Service is service, the blood of all heroes never dies, and our remembrance of all veterans should be equally enduring regardless of the nature
- Service is service, the blood of all heroes never dies, and our remembrance of all veterans should be equally enduring regardless of the nature
- Service is service, the blood of all heroes never dies, and our remembrance of all veterans should be equally enduring regardless of the nature
- OTTAWA—I am grateful for the opportunity to respond to the recent article by Brian Forbes (re: “O’Regan’s entitled to his own opinion but not

- OTTAWA—I am grateful for the opportunity to respond to the recent article by Brian Forbes (re: “O’Regan’s entitled to his own opinion but not
- OTTAWA—I am grateful for the opportunity to respond to the recent article by Brian Forbes (re: “O’Regan’s entitled to his own opinion but not

- OTTAWA—”Why are we still fighting certain veterans groups in court? Because they’re asking for more than we are able to give right now.” And
- OTTAWA—”Why are we still fighting certain veterans groups in court? Because they’re asking for more than we are able to give right now.” And
- OTTAWA—”Why are we still fighting certain veterans groups in court? Because they’re asking for more than we are able to give right now.” And
- OTTAWA—Veterans Affairs Minister Seamus O’Regan is entitled to his own opinion, but he is not entitled to his own facts. The minister has suggested

- OTTAWA—Veterans Affairs Minister Seamus O’Regan is entitled to his own opinion, but he is not entitled to his own facts. The minister has suggested
- OTTAWA—Veterans Affairs Minister Seamus O’Regan is entitled to his own opinion, but he is not entitled to his own facts. The minister has suggested

- OTTAWA—The new federal Liberal plan for veterans is all about saving money, yet again, at the expense of veterans. The more Canadians and veterans
- OTTAWA—The new federal Liberal plan for veterans is all about saving money, yet again, at the expense of veterans. The more Canadians and veterans
- OTTAWA—The new federal Liberal plan for veterans is all about saving money, yet again, at the expense of veterans. The more Canadians and veterans
- Re: “Government fails to meet veterans’ expectations regarding re-establishment of ‘lifelong pensions’ under new Veterans Charter,” (The Hill Times, Jan. 29, by Brian Forbes,
Opinion | February 12, 2018
Opinion | February 12, 2018
- Re: “Government fails to meet veterans’ expectations regarding re-establishment of ‘lifelong pensions’ under new Veterans Charter,” (The Hill Times, Jan. 29, by Brian Forbes,
Opinion | February 12, 2018
- Re: “Government fails to meet veterans’ expectations regarding re-establishment of ‘lifelong pensions’ under new Veterans Charter,” (The Hill Times, Jan. 29, by Brian Forbes,
- There have been numerous occasions during my tenure as Canada’s National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces Ombudsman when I felt like Sisyphus: that character
- There have been numerous occasions during my tenure as Canada’s National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces Ombudsman when I felt like Sisyphus: that character
- There have been numerous occasions during my tenure as Canada’s National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces Ombudsman when I felt like Sisyphus: that character
- Veterans advocates are criticizing the Trudeau government’s new Centre of Excellence on post traumatic stress disorder and related mental health conditions for wrongly prioritizing
- Veterans advocates are criticizing the Trudeau government’s new Centre of Excellence on post traumatic stress disorder and related mental health conditions for wrongly prioritizing
- Veterans advocates are criticizing the Trudeau government’s new Centre of Excellence on post traumatic stress disorder and related mental health conditions for wrongly prioritizing
- The National Council of Veteran Associations and the War Amps of Canada contend that Veterans Affairs Minister Seamus O’Regan’s announcement regarding the long-awaited “lifelong pension”
Opinion | January 29, 2018
Opinion | January 29, 2018
- The National Council of Veteran Associations and the War Amps of Canada contend that Veterans Affairs Minister Seamus O’Regan’s announcement regarding the long-awaited “lifelong pension”
Opinion | January 29, 2018
- The National Council of Veteran Associations and the War Amps of Canada contend that Veterans Affairs Minister Seamus O’Regan’s announcement regarding the long-awaited “lifelong pension”
- Re: “Department leaves veterans in ‘financial limbo,’ behind on half its targets,” (The Hill Times, Dec. 13, p. 1). Canada has had four veterans
Opinion | January 17, 2018
Opinion | January 17, 2018
- Re: “Department leaves veterans in ‘financial limbo,’ behind on half its targets,” (The Hill Times, Dec. 13, p. 1). Canada has had four veterans
Opinion | January 17, 2018
- Re: “Department leaves veterans in ‘financial limbo,’ behind on half its targets,” (The Hill Times, Dec. 13, p. 1). Canada has had four veterans
- The Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans Association, an all-veteran organization, is gravely concerned about the current untenable legal situation in which Canadian veterans are trapped. Recently
- The Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans Association, an all-veteran organization, is gravely concerned about the current untenable legal situation in which Canadian veterans are trapped. Recently
- The Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans Association, an all-veteran organization, is gravely concerned about the current untenable legal situation in which Canadian veterans are trapped. Recently
- OTTAWA—When the Department of National Defence announced a total health and wellness strategy earlier this year, as part of the new defence policy, it
- OTTAWA—When the Department of National Defence announced a total health and wellness strategy earlier this year, as part of the new defence policy, it
- OTTAWA—When the Department of National Defence announced a total health and wellness strategy earlier this year, as part of the new defence policy, it
- Canada’s Veterans Affairs Department is behind on half of its performance targets, department results released last month reveal, which opposition MPs call unacceptable and
- Canada’s Veterans Affairs Department is behind on half of its performance targets, department results released last month reveal, which opposition MPs call unacceptable and
- Canada’s Veterans Affairs Department is behind on half of its performance targets, department results released last month reveal, which opposition MPs call unacceptable and