
- Meanwhile, Sean Bruyea says whistleblower protections are also needed for veterans and their families because they are 'highly vulnerable to reprisals from either VAC or the company employees and subcontractors, should they occur.'
- Meanwhile, Sean Bruyea says whistleblower protections are also needed for veterans and their families because they are 'highly vulnerable to reprisals from either VAC or the company employees and subcontractors, should they occur.'
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- Women are veterans with their own unique experiences, needs, and voices. Instead of gender-blindness, we need to update military/RCMP and veteran policies to remove
- Women are veterans with their own unique experiences, needs, and voices. Instead of gender-blindness, we need to update military/RCMP and veteran policies to remove
- Women are veterans with their own unique experiences, needs, and voices. Instead of gender-blindness, we need to update military/RCMP and veteran policies to remove
- It's time the City of Ottawa and the feds worked together to establish a Parliamentary Precinct of which Canadians across the country can proud.

- It's time the City of Ottawa and the feds worked together to establish a Parliamentary Precinct of which Canadians across the country can proud.
- It's time the City of Ottawa and the feds worked together to establish a Parliamentary Precinct of which Canadians across the country can proud.

- Veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for our liberty both here and abroad. Yet, they must fight again to receive support from our
- Veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for our liberty both here and abroad. Yet, they must fight again to receive support from our
- Veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for our liberty both here and abroad. Yet, they must fight again to receive support from our
- Service is service, the blood of all heroes never dies, and our remembrance of all veterans should be equally enduring regardless of the nature
- Service is service, the blood of all heroes never dies, and our remembrance of all veterans should be equally enduring regardless of the nature
- Service is service, the blood of all heroes never dies, and our remembrance of all veterans should be equally enduring regardless of the nature
- Canadians cannot renege on the contract was understood when we joined the armed forces, that the government would care for and compensate us for
- Canadians cannot renege on the contract was understood when we joined the armed forces, that the government would care for and compensate us for
- Canadians cannot renege on the contract was understood when we joined the armed forces, that the government would care for and compensate us for
- OTTAWA—At this time of year, one of my favourite songs is about the “Christmas Truce” of the First World War. Called Christmas in the
- OTTAWA—At this time of year, one of my favourite songs is about the “Christmas Truce” of the First World War. Called Christmas in the
- OTTAWA—At this time of year, one of my favourite songs is about the “Christmas Truce” of the First World War. Called Christmas in the
- Veterans regret to inform that during the past federal election campaign, not one leader included their CPP benefit clawback issue in their election campaign
Opinion | December 9, 2019
Opinion | December 9, 2019
- Veterans regret to inform that during the past federal election campaign, not one leader included their CPP benefit clawback issue in their election campaign
Opinion | December 9, 2019
- Veterans regret to inform that during the past federal election campaign, not one leader included their CPP benefit clawback issue in their election campaign
- I am one of “those people” seen by Don Cherry. As an immigrant to Canada from the 1960s, I dutifully donned a poppy. A
Opinion | December 2, 2019
Opinion | December 2, 2019
- I am one of “those people” seen by Don Cherry. As an immigrant to Canada from the 1960s, I dutifully donned a poppy. A
Opinion | December 2, 2019
- I am one of “those people” seen by Don Cherry. As an immigrant to Canada from the 1960s, I dutifully donned a poppy. A
- OTTAWA—There is no question that hockey commentator Don Cherry’s controversial remarks and subsequent firing proved polemic well beyond the normal reach of the Hockey

- OTTAWA—There is no question that hockey commentator Don Cherry’s controversial remarks and subsequent firing proved polemic well beyond the normal reach of the Hockey
- OTTAWA—There is no question that hockey commentator Don Cherry’s controversial remarks and subsequent firing proved polemic well beyond the normal reach of the Hockey

- Members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) voluntarily and selflessly dedicate their careers to keeping our country safe while putting their bodies through tremendously

- Members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) voluntarily and selflessly dedicate their careers to keeping our country safe while putting their bodies through tremendously
- Members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) voluntarily and selflessly dedicate their careers to keeping our country safe while putting their bodies through tremendously

- OTTAWA—Don Cherry, in some quarters a Canadian icon, is now gone from Coach’s Corner on Hockey Night in Canada. The mouth that roared fell

- OTTAWA—Don Cherry, in some quarters a Canadian icon, is now gone from Coach’s Corner on Hockey Night in Canada. The mouth that roared fell
- OTTAWA—Don Cherry, in some quarters a Canadian icon, is now gone from Coach’s Corner on Hockey Night in Canada. The mouth that roared fell

- Two Conservative Senators officially retired this month, though their last days in the Upper Chamber were during the heated final days of the 42nd
- Two Conservative Senators officially retired this month, though their last days in the Upper Chamber were during the heated final days of the 42nd
- Two Conservative Senators officially retired this month, though their last days in the Upper Chamber were during the heated final days of the 42nd
- Remembrance Day will hold a special significance for 19 Parliamentarians who have previously served in the Canadian Armed Forces. In Ottawa, to mark the

- Remembrance Day will hold a special significance for 19 Parliamentarians who have previously served in the Canadian Armed Forces. In Ottawa, to mark the
- Remembrance Day will hold a special significance for 19 Parliamentarians who have previously served in the Canadian Armed Forces. In Ottawa, to mark the

- OTTAWA—Each November, I go back to Québec City, where my mother, her mother, and grandmother were raised and are now buried, to read the
- OTTAWA—Each November, I go back to Québec City, where my mother, her mother, and grandmother were raised and are now buried, to read the
- OTTAWA—Each November, I go back to Québec City, where my mother, her mother, and grandmother were raised and are now buried, to read the
- As the federal election day approaches, veterans will be vitally interested in the positions to be adopted by the government and the opposition parties

- As the federal election day approaches, veterans will be vitally interested in the positions to be adopted by the government and the opposition parties
- As the federal election day approaches, veterans will be vitally interested in the positions to be adopted by the government and the opposition parties

- With great fanfare, the Trudeau government announced a new version of veteran benefits stylishly labelled “Pension for Life.” Presumably this was a “promise kept”

- With great fanfare, the Trudeau government announced a new version of veteran benefits stylishly labelled “Pension for Life.” Presumably this was a “promise kept”
- With great fanfare, the Trudeau government announced a new version of veteran benefits stylishly labelled “Pension for Life.” Presumably this was a “promise kept”

- Despite laws in place to ensure that military veterans get the first crack at federal public service jobs, a recent House committee report says
- Despite laws in place to ensure that military veterans get the first crack at federal public service jobs, a recent House committee report says
- Despite laws in place to ensure that military veterans get the first crack at federal public service jobs, a recent House committee report says