
- Meanwhile, Sean Bruyea says whistleblower protections are also needed for veterans and their families because they are 'highly vulnerable to reprisals from either VAC or the company employees and subcontractors, should they occur.'
- Meanwhile, Sean Bruyea says whistleblower protections are also needed for veterans and their families because they are 'highly vulnerable to reprisals from either VAC or the company employees and subcontractors, should they occur.'
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- Operation Service Dog has provided over $2-million to help train and pair over 61 veterans with service dogs, with 27 more on the way.
- Operation Service Dog has provided over $2-million to help train and pair over 61 veterans with service dogs, with 27 more on the way.
- Operation Service Dog has provided over $2-million to help train and pair over 61 veterans with service dogs, with 27 more on the way.
- Women are veterans with their own unique experiences, needs, and voices. Instead of gender-blindness, we need to update military/RCMP and veteran policies to remove
- Women are veterans with their own unique experiences, needs, and voices. Instead of gender-blindness, we need to update military/RCMP and veteran policies to remove
- Women are veterans with their own unique experiences, needs, and voices. Instead of gender-blindness, we need to update military/RCMP and veteran policies to remove
- It's time the City of Ottawa and the feds worked together to establish a Parliamentary Precinct of which Canadians across the country can proud.

- It's time the City of Ottawa and the feds worked together to establish a Parliamentary Precinct of which Canadians across the country can proud.
- It's time the City of Ottawa and the feds worked together to establish a Parliamentary Precinct of which Canadians across the country can proud.

- Veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for our liberty both here and abroad. Yet, they must fight again to receive support from our
- Veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for our liberty both here and abroad. Yet, they must fight again to receive support from our
- Veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for our liberty both here and abroad. Yet, they must fight again to receive support from our
- Service is service, the blood of all heroes never dies, and our remembrance of all veterans should be equally enduring regardless of the nature
- Service is service, the blood of all heroes never dies, and our remembrance of all veterans should be equally enduring regardless of the nature
- Service is service, the blood of all heroes never dies, and our remembrance of all veterans should be equally enduring regardless of the nature
- Veterans Affairs Minister Lawrence MacAulay reiterated Monday that there are encouraging signs his department is headed in “the right direction” on its goal of
- Veterans Affairs Minister Lawrence MacAulay reiterated Monday that there are encouraging signs his department is headed in “the right direction” on its goal of
- Veterans Affairs Minister Lawrence MacAulay reiterated Monday that there are encouraging signs his department is headed in “the right direction” on its goal of
- Since the enactment of the New Veterans Charter in 2006, the National Council of Veteran Associations (NCVA) has taken the strong position that the

- Since the enactment of the New Veterans Charter in 2006, the National Council of Veteran Associations (NCVA) has taken the strong position that the
- Since the enactment of the New Veterans Charter in 2006, the National Council of Veteran Associations (NCVA) has taken the strong position that the

- In these challenging times, and with a pending election on the horizon, Canadian veterans and their families will be closely monitoring all federal leaders

- In these challenging times, and with a pending election on the horizon, Canadian veterans and their families will be closely monitoring all federal leaders
- In these challenging times, and with a pending election on the horizon, Canadian veterans and their families will be closely monitoring all federal leaders

- Canada’s new veterans watchdog Nishika Jardine says her office has a “solid” mandate and will not be “hampered in any way” by the reporting

- Canada’s new veterans watchdog Nishika Jardine says her office has a “solid” mandate and will not be “hampered in any way” by the reporting
- Canada’s new veterans watchdog Nishika Jardine says her office has a “solid” mandate and will not be “hampered in any way” by the reporting

- A treatment program for military personnel, veterans, and first responders suffering from post traumatic stress disorder is struggling to find funding, and graduates of

- A treatment program for military personnel, veterans, and first responders suffering from post traumatic stress disorder is struggling to find funding, and graduates of
- A treatment program for military personnel, veterans, and first responders suffering from post traumatic stress disorder is struggling to find funding, and graduates of

- For all the incalculable personal tragedy and economic disruption the COVID-19 pandemic has produced, there have been, if not entirely countervailing positives, at least
- For all the incalculable personal tragedy and economic disruption the COVID-19 pandemic has produced, there have been, if not entirely countervailing positives, at least
- For all the incalculable personal tragedy and economic disruption the COVID-19 pandemic has produced, there have been, if not entirely countervailing positives, at least
- As the National Remembrance Day Ceremony will be scaled down amid the COVID-19 pandemic, onlookers will be gazing up to mark the 75th anniversary
- As the National Remembrance Day Ceremony will be scaled down amid the COVID-19 pandemic, onlookers will be gazing up to mark the 75th anniversary
- As the National Remembrance Day Ceremony will be scaled down amid the COVID-19 pandemic, onlookers will be gazing up to mark the 75th anniversary
- OTTAWA—The National Council of Veteran Associations in Canada (NCVA) continues to call for dramatic and innovative steps to be taken by Veterans Affairs Canada

- OTTAWA—The National Council of Veteran Associations in Canada (NCVA) continues to call for dramatic and innovative steps to be taken by Veterans Affairs Canada
- OTTAWA—The National Council of Veteran Associations in Canada (NCVA) continues to call for dramatic and innovative steps to be taken by Veterans Affairs Canada

- In a typical year, thousands of Canadians gather near the National War Monument to mark Remembrance Day. But 2020 isn’t a typical year. While
- In a typical year, thousands of Canadians gather near the National War Monument to mark Remembrance Day. But 2020 isn’t a typical year. While
- In a typical year, thousands of Canadians gather near the National War Monument to mark Remembrance Day. But 2020 isn’t a typical year. While
- The only MP to have publicly revealed to have tested positive for COVID-19 and subsequently recovered has joined the front lines pitching in at
- The only MP to have publicly revealed to have tested positive for COVID-19 and subsequently recovered has joined the front lines pitching in at
- The only MP to have publicly revealed to have tested positive for COVID-19 and subsequently recovered has joined the front lines pitching in at
- OTTAWA—During the last week in January, Parliament worked a little better for Canadians, uncovering what Ottawa has been increasingly hiding. I am talking about
- OTTAWA—During the last week in January, Parliament worked a little better for Canadians, uncovering what Ottawa has been increasingly hiding. I am talking about
- OTTAWA—During the last week in January, Parliament worked a little better for Canadians, uncovering what Ottawa has been increasingly hiding. I am talking about
- After nearly two decades in the Upper Chamber, Joseph Day, the outgoing Senate Liberal-turned-Progressive Senate Group leader, said he feels he still has unfinished
- After nearly two decades in the Upper Chamber, Joseph Day, the outgoing Senate Liberal-turned-Progressive Senate Group leader, said he feels he still has unfinished
- After nearly two decades in the Upper Chamber, Joseph Day, the outgoing Senate Liberal-turned-Progressive Senate Group leader, said he feels he still has unfinished