
- Meanwhile, Sean Bruyea says whistleblower protections are also needed for veterans and their families because they are 'highly vulnerable to reprisals from either VAC or the company employees and subcontractors, should they occur.'
- Meanwhile, Sean Bruyea says whistleblower protections are also needed for veterans and their families because they are 'highly vulnerable to reprisals from either VAC or the company employees and subcontractors, should they occur.'
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- Women are veterans with their own unique experiences, needs, and voices. Instead of gender-blindness, we need to update military/RCMP and veteran policies to remove
- Women are veterans with their own unique experiences, needs, and voices. Instead of gender-blindness, we need to update military/RCMP and veteran policies to remove
- Women are veterans with their own unique experiences, needs, and voices. Instead of gender-blindness, we need to update military/RCMP and veteran policies to remove
- It's time the City of Ottawa and the feds worked together to establish a Parliamentary Precinct of which Canadians across the country can proud.

- It's time the City of Ottawa and the feds worked together to establish a Parliamentary Precinct of which Canadians across the country can proud.
- It's time the City of Ottawa and the feds worked together to establish a Parliamentary Precinct of which Canadians across the country can proud.

- Veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for our liberty both here and abroad. Yet, they must fight again to receive support from our
- Veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for our liberty both here and abroad. Yet, they must fight again to receive support from our
- Veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for our liberty both here and abroad. Yet, they must fight again to receive support from our
- Service is service, the blood of all heroes never dies, and our remembrance of all veterans should be equally enduring regardless of the nature
- Service is service, the blood of all heroes never dies, and our remembrance of all veterans should be equally enduring regardless of the nature
- Service is service, the blood of all heroes never dies, and our remembrance of all veterans should be equally enduring regardless of the nature
- Canadians cannot renege on the contract was understood when we joined the armed forces, that the government would care for and compensate us for
- Canadians cannot renege on the contract was understood when we joined the armed forces, that the government would care for and compensate us for
- Canadians cannot renege on the contract was understood when we joined the armed forces, that the government would care for and compensate us for
- OTTAWA—Last summer, Chief of Defence Staff General Jonathan Vance announced that Canada would soon embark on a peacekeeping mission to Africa, and Defence Minister

- OTTAWA—Last summer, Chief of Defence Staff General Jonathan Vance announced that Canada would soon embark on a peacekeeping mission to Africa, and Defence Minister
- OTTAWA—Last summer, Chief of Defence Staff General Jonathan Vance announced that Canada would soon embark on a peacekeeping mission to Africa, and Defence Minister

- This fall, the House Committee on Public Safety and National Security, tabled its first major report examining the mental health challenges that confront public
- This fall, the House Committee on Public Safety and National Security, tabled its first major report examining the mental health challenges that confront public
- This fall, the House Committee on Public Safety and National Security, tabled its first major report examining the mental health challenges that confront public
- Newfoundland premier Dwight Ball was in town last week to remember the Newfoundlanders and Labradorians who died in the 100-year-old battle of Beaumont-Hamel. The
- Newfoundland premier Dwight Ball was in town last week to remember the Newfoundlanders and Labradorians who died in the 100-year-old battle of Beaumont-Hamel. The
- Newfoundland premier Dwight Ball was in town last week to remember the Newfoundlanders and Labradorians who died in the 100-year-old battle of Beaumont-Hamel. The
- OTTAWA—The transition from military and naval life is a challenge even for those who have no conditions requiring ongoing support. The interdependency across serving

- OTTAWA—The transition from military and naval life is a challenge even for those who have no conditions requiring ongoing support. The interdependency across serving
- OTTAWA—The transition from military and naval life is a challenge even for those who have no conditions requiring ongoing support. The interdependency across serving

- November 11th marks Remembrance Day, a time to remember those who have served in the armed forces—including a little known group called the Canadian
- November 11th marks Remembrance Day, a time to remember those who have served in the armed forces—including a little known group called the Canadian
- November 11th marks Remembrance Day, a time to remember those who have served in the armed forces—including a little known group called the Canadian
- Today is Remembrance Day in Canada; a time when citizens honour Canadian soldiers, both past and present, for their service to the country and
- Today is Remembrance Day in Canada; a time when citizens honour Canadian soldiers, both past and present, for their service to the country and
- Today is Remembrance Day in Canada; a time when citizens honour Canadian soldiers, both past and present, for their service to the country and
- OTTAWA—Honouring Canada’s fallen in war has been increasingly widespread. Honouring the living with dignity has often been a struggle, especially for government. Paying injured
- OTTAWA—Honouring Canada’s fallen in war has been increasingly widespread. Honouring the living with dignity has often been a struggle, especially for government. Paying injured
- OTTAWA—Honouring Canada’s fallen in war has been increasingly widespread. Honouring the living with dignity has often been a struggle, especially for government. Paying injured
- The October 2016 Maclean’s magazine cover story was titled “Trudeau’s Unfinished Business.” In the article, the author opines that, after one year in office, the
Opinion | November 7, 2016

Opinion | November 7, 2016
- The October 2016 Maclean’s magazine cover story was titled “Trudeau’s Unfinished Business.” In the article, the author opines that, after one year in office, the
Opinion | November 7, 2016
- The October 2016 Maclean’s magazine cover story was titled “Trudeau’s Unfinished Business.” In the article, the author opines that, after one year in office, the

- On Jan. 12, 2010, a 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit Haiti. As many as hundreds of thousands were killed and nearly one million Haitians instantly became
- On Jan. 12, 2010, a 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit Haiti. As many as hundreds of thousands were killed and nearly one million Haitians instantly became
- On Jan. 12, 2010, a 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit Haiti. As many as hundreds of thousands were killed and nearly one million Haitians instantly became
- Veterans and Canadians better stop holding their breath. Minister of Veterans Affairs Kent Hehr is way behind schedule and doesn’t have the oomph to
- Veterans and Canadians better stop holding their breath. Minister of Veterans Affairs Kent Hehr is way behind schedule and doesn’t have the oomph to
- Veterans and Canadians better stop holding their breath. Minister of Veterans Affairs Kent Hehr is way behind schedule and doesn’t have the oomph to
- OTTAWA—The federal government is holding yet another stakeholder summit on Oct. 5-6 in Gatineau, Que. Veterans Affairs Canada claims such “engagement” fulfills requirements to consult
- OTTAWA—The federal government is holding yet another stakeholder summit on Oct. 5-6 in Gatineau, Que. Veterans Affairs Canada claims such “engagement” fulfills requirements to consult
- OTTAWA—The federal government is holding yet another stakeholder summit on Oct. 5-6 in Gatineau, Que. Veterans Affairs Canada claims such “engagement” fulfills requirements to consult
- OTTAWA—What the Liberals give, bureaucrats can take away. On Oct. 1, Liberal campaign promises to improve the lives of veterans begin to take effect. All

- OTTAWA—What the Liberals give, bureaucrats can take away. On Oct. 1, Liberal campaign promises to improve the lives of veterans begin to take effect. All
- OTTAWA—What the Liberals give, bureaucrats can take away. On Oct. 1, Liberal campaign promises to improve the lives of veterans begin to take effect. All