
- Meanwhile, Sean Bruyea says whistleblower protections are also needed for veterans and their families because they are 'highly vulnerable to reprisals from either VAC or the company employees and subcontractors, should they occur.'
- Meanwhile, Sean Bruyea says whistleblower protections are also needed for veterans and their families because they are 'highly vulnerable to reprisals from either VAC or the company employees and subcontractors, should they occur.'
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- Operation Service Dog has provided over $2-million to help train and pair over 61 veterans with service dogs, with 27 more on the way.
- Operation Service Dog has provided over $2-million to help train and pair over 61 veterans with service dogs, with 27 more on the way.
- Operation Service Dog has provided over $2-million to help train and pair over 61 veterans with service dogs, with 27 more on the way.
- Women are veterans with their own unique experiences, needs, and voices. Instead of gender-blindness, we need to update military/RCMP and veteran policies to remove
- Women are veterans with their own unique experiences, needs, and voices. Instead of gender-blindness, we need to update military/RCMP and veteran policies to remove
- Women are veterans with their own unique experiences, needs, and voices. Instead of gender-blindness, we need to update military/RCMP and veteran policies to remove
- It's time the City of Ottawa and the feds worked together to establish a Parliamentary Precinct of which Canadians across the country can proud.

- It's time the City of Ottawa and the feds worked together to establish a Parliamentary Precinct of which Canadians across the country can proud.
- It's time the City of Ottawa and the feds worked together to establish a Parliamentary Precinct of which Canadians across the country can proud.

- Veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for our liberty both here and abroad. Yet, they must fight again to receive support from our
- Veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for our liberty both here and abroad. Yet, they must fight again to receive support from our
- Veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice, fighting for our liberty both here and abroad. Yet, they must fight again to receive support from our
- Service is service, the blood of all heroes never dies, and our remembrance of all veterans should be equally enduring regardless of the nature
- Service is service, the blood of all heroes never dies, and our remembrance of all veterans should be equally enduring regardless of the nature
- Service is service, the blood of all heroes never dies, and our remembrance of all veterans should be equally enduring regardless of the nature
- Good Wednesday morning, After months of tough talk, aggressive posturing, and nervous murmurs, renegotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement begin today in

- Good Wednesday morning, After months of tough talk, aggressive posturing, and nervous murmurs, renegotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement begin today in
- Good Wednesday morning, After months of tough talk, aggressive posturing, and nervous murmurs, renegotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement begin today in

- OTTAWA—They have been called our “best kept secret.” Will the current government’s defence policy review and decades of tight-fisted budgets continue to relegate the
- OTTAWA—They have been called our “best kept secret.” Will the current government’s defence policy review and decades of tight-fisted budgets continue to relegate the
- OTTAWA—They have been called our “best kept secret.” Will the current government’s defence policy review and decades of tight-fisted budgets continue to relegate the
- Re: “Cycle of veteran crisis: allowing patients to manage system, what could go wrong,” (The Hill Times, March 13). First, I realize that I’m
Opinion | April 10, 2017
Opinion | April 10, 2017
- Re: “Cycle of veteran crisis: allowing patients to manage system, what could go wrong,” (The Hill Times, March 13). First, I realize that I’m
Opinion | April 10, 2017
- Re: “Cycle of veteran crisis: allowing patients to manage system, what could go wrong,” (The Hill Times, March 13). First, I realize that I’m
- OTTAWA—With widespread tensions simmering just beneath a deceptively calm public profile, injured veterans and their families are running out of patience. The 2017 Liberal
- OTTAWA—With widespread tensions simmering just beneath a deceptively calm public profile, injured veterans and their families are running out of patience. The 2017 Liberal
- OTTAWA—With widespread tensions simmering just beneath a deceptively calm public profile, injured veterans and their families are running out of patience. The 2017 Liberal
- The following are abridged remarks made to the Senate Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs on March 29: Wholesale change is needed to make the transition
- The following are abridged remarks made to the Senate Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs on March 29: Wholesale change is needed to make the transition
- The following are abridged remarks made to the Senate Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs on March 29: Wholesale change is needed to make the transition
- OTTAWA—You arrive at the hospital. You have pain in your abdomen, you’re restless, and have an acute headache. You sit in the waiting room—waiting because
Opinion | March 13, 2017
Opinion | March 13, 2017
- OTTAWA—You arrive at the hospital. You have pain in your abdomen, you’re restless, and have an acute headache. You sit in the waiting room—waiting because
Opinion | March 13, 2017
- OTTAWA—You arrive at the hospital. You have pain in your abdomen, you’re restless, and have an acute headache. You sit in the waiting room—waiting because
- OTTAWA—A year ago in The Hill Times, I challenged the status quo to “go beyond today’s ideas and shape tomorrow by clearly defining Veterans’
Opinion | February 20, 2017

Opinion | February 20, 2017
- OTTAWA—A year ago in The Hill Times, I challenged the status quo to “go beyond today’s ideas and shape tomorrow by clearly defining Veterans’
Opinion | February 20, 2017
- OTTAWA—A year ago in The Hill Times, I challenged the status quo to “go beyond today’s ideas and shape tomorrow by clearly defining Veterans’

- As the daughter of a Second World War veteran, I listen to the horrifying reports of mass shootings perpetrated by current veterans and wonder
Opinion | January 11, 2017
Opinion | January 11, 2017
- As the daughter of a Second World War veteran, I listen to the horrifying reports of mass shootings perpetrated by current veterans and wonder
Opinion | January 11, 2017
- As the daughter of a Second World War veteran, I listen to the horrifying reports of mass shootings perpetrated by current veterans and wonder
- Some veterans say they are angry with the government and say those who served need better support immediately to help deal with the trauma that
- Some veterans say they are angry with the government and say those who served need better support immediately to help deal with the trauma that
- Some veterans say they are angry with the government and say those who served need better support immediately to help deal with the trauma that
- A watchdog group is urging the federal government to rethink its approach to mobile and web applications after finding that several internal digital products failed
- A watchdog group is urging the federal government to rethink its approach to mobile and web applications after finding that several internal digital products failed
- A watchdog group is urging the federal government to rethink its approach to mobile and web applications after finding that several internal digital products failed
- OTTAWA—In November 2015, the federal Liberals were elected on a platform of change, and a campaign slogan of “real change for veterans.” On the
- OTTAWA—In November 2015, the federal Liberals were elected on a platform of change, and a campaign slogan of “real change for veterans.” On the
- OTTAWA—In November 2015, the federal Liberals were elected on a platform of change, and a campaign slogan of “real change for veterans.” On the
- Today is Thursday, Dec. 1. Here’s what you should know before you start your day: The all-party Special Committee on Electoral Reform will be
- Today is Thursday, Dec. 1. Here’s what you should know before you start your day: The all-party Special Committee on Electoral Reform will be
- Today is Thursday, Dec. 1. Here’s what you should know before you start your day: The all-party Special Committee on Electoral Reform will be