- ‘Every day is a new threat by people who only know how to threaten,’ and won’t follow through if Americans ‘rise up,’ says Flavio Volpe, the head of Canada's Automotive Parts Manufacturing Association.
- ‘Every day is a new threat by people who only know how to threaten,’ and won’t follow through if Americans ‘rise up,’ says Flavio Volpe, the head of Canada's Automotive Parts Manufacturing Association.
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- The Trump administration cannot be allowed to get away with this thuggish behaviour that risks global depression, global peace and security and sustainability. It
- The Trump administration cannot be allowed to get away with this thuggish behaviour that risks global depression, global peace and security and sustainability. It
- The Trump administration cannot be allowed to get away with this thuggish behaviour that risks global depression, global peace and security and sustainability. It
- World politics are undergoing a major power transition that only comes around once a century, says Aaron Ettinger. 'We don't know what a liberal

- World politics are undergoing a major power transition that only comes around once a century, says Aaron Ettinger. 'We don't know what a liberal
- World politics are undergoing a major power transition that only comes around once a century, says Aaron Ettinger. 'We don't know what a liberal

- If exporters are given accessible information about the upsides of these deals with the European Union and Trans-Pacific partners, ‘they will take the opportunity
- If exporters are given accessible information about the upsides of these deals with the European Union and Trans-Pacific partners, ‘they will take the opportunity
- If exporters are given accessible information about the upsides of these deals with the European Union and Trans-Pacific partners, ‘they will take the opportunity
- Alasdair Roberts, author of The Adaptable Country: How Canada Can Survive the Twenty-First Century, offers advice on how Canada can get through the Trump

- Alasdair Roberts, author of The Adaptable Country: How Canada Can Survive the Twenty-First Century, offers advice on how Canada can get through the Trump
- Alasdair Roberts, author of The Adaptable Country: How Canada Can Survive the Twenty-First Century, offers advice on how Canada can get through the Trump

- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.
- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- U.S. President Donald Trump also drops numerous bombshells for Canada in his World Economic Forum address as Liberals meet in Ottawa.
- U.S. President Donald Trump also drops numerous bombshells for Canada in his World Economic Forum address as Liberals meet in Ottawa.
- U.S. President Donald Trump also drops numerous bombshells for Canada in his World Economic Forum address as Liberals meet in Ottawa.
- Carleton University business professor Ian Lee says a November 2024 paper by Donald Trump’s incoming economic adviser sheds insight into the U.S. president’s thinking.
- Carleton University business professor Ian Lee says a November 2024 paper by Donald Trump’s incoming economic adviser sheds insight into the U.S. president’s thinking.
- Carleton University business professor Ian Lee says a November 2024 paper by Donald Trump’s incoming economic adviser sheds insight into the U.S. president’s thinking.
- Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Alberta Premier Danielle Smith have taken opposite extremes in advocating for Canada's response to the U.S. tariff threat—but both
- Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Alberta Premier Danielle Smith have taken opposite extremes in advocating for Canada's response to the U.S. tariff threat—but both
- Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Alberta Premier Danielle Smith have taken opposite extremes in advocating for Canada's response to the U.S. tariff threat—but both
- 'Our assumptions about continued trade with the U.S. have to be re-evaluated,' says Vina Nadjibulla of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada.
- 'Our assumptions about continued trade with the U.S. have to be re-evaluated,' says Vina Nadjibulla of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada.
- 'Our assumptions about continued trade with the U.S. have to be re-evaluated,' says Vina Nadjibulla of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada.
- Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, who spent the morning of Trump's second inauguration doing an interview with CP24's morning show, said Canada needs to
- Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, who spent the morning of Trump's second inauguration doing an interview with CP24's morning show, said Canada needs to
- Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, who spent the morning of Trump's second inauguration doing an interview with CP24's morning show, said Canada needs to
- Canada and the United States share one of the very best trade relationships in the world. Like any relationship, it requires ongoing care and
- Canada and the United States share one of the very best trade relationships in the world. Like any relationship, it requires ongoing care and
- Canada and the United States share one of the very best trade relationships in the world. Like any relationship, it requires ongoing care and
- The big question will be how much pain we are ready to endure before acceding to Trump's demands, and how much we are prepared
- The big question will be how much pain we are ready to endure before acceding to Trump's demands, and how much we are prepared
- The big question will be how much pain we are ready to endure before acceding to Trump's demands, and how much we are prepared
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau remains the head of government and holds a variety of trade mechanisms to counter Trump, while Liberal MP John McKay

- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau remains the head of government and holds a variety of trade mechanisms to counter Trump, while Liberal MP John McKay
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau remains the head of government and holds a variety of trade mechanisms to counter Trump, while Liberal MP John McKay

- China, the second-largest market for Canada’s canola industry, initiated an anti-dumping probe into imports of Canadian canola seed in September.
- China, the second-largest market for Canada’s canola industry, initiated an anti-dumping probe into imports of Canadian canola seed in September.
- China, the second-largest market for Canada’s canola industry, initiated an anti-dumping probe into imports of Canadian canola seed in September.
- The results of The Hill Times’ 2024 year-end poll are in. Liberal MP Sean Fraser scores a hat trick and takes the ‘Most Valuable
- The results of The Hill Times’ 2024 year-end poll are in. Liberal MP Sean Fraser scores a hat trick and takes the ‘Most Valuable
- The results of The Hill Times’ 2024 year-end poll are in. Liberal MP Sean Fraser scores a hat trick and takes the ‘Most Valuable
- The wait for Canada's long-anticipated strategy grows longer as African envoys lament Ottawa's absence on the continent.
- The wait for Canada's long-anticipated strategy grows longer as African envoys lament Ottawa's absence on the continent.
- The wait for Canada's long-anticipated strategy grows longer as African envoys lament Ottawa's absence on the continent.
- The Bloc Québécois says it won't support any ISDS provisions that may be in the Canada-Indonesia pact, but won't make a decision on the
- The Bloc Québécois says it won't support any ISDS provisions that may be in the Canada-Indonesia pact, but won't make a decision on the
- The Bloc Québécois says it won't support any ISDS provisions that may be in the Canada-Indonesia pact, but won't make a decision on the