- ‘Every day is a new threat by people who only know how to threaten,’ and won’t follow through if Americans ‘rise up,’ says Flavio Volpe, the head of Canada's Automotive Parts Manufacturing Association.
- ‘Every day is a new threat by people who only know how to threaten,’ and won’t follow through if Americans ‘rise up,’ says Flavio Volpe, the head of Canada's Automotive Parts Manufacturing Association.
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- The Trump administration cannot be allowed to get away with this thuggish behaviour that risks global depression, global peace and security and sustainability. It
- The Trump administration cannot be allowed to get away with this thuggish behaviour that risks global depression, global peace and security and sustainability. It
- The Trump administration cannot be allowed to get away with this thuggish behaviour that risks global depression, global peace and security and sustainability. It
- World politics are undergoing a major power transition that only comes around once a century, says Aaron Ettinger. 'We don't know what a liberal

- World politics are undergoing a major power transition that only comes around once a century, says Aaron Ettinger. 'We don't know what a liberal
- World politics are undergoing a major power transition that only comes around once a century, says Aaron Ettinger. 'We don't know what a liberal

- If exporters are given accessible information about the upsides of these deals with the European Union and Trans-Pacific partners, ‘they will take the opportunity
- If exporters are given accessible information about the upsides of these deals with the European Union and Trans-Pacific partners, ‘they will take the opportunity
- If exporters are given accessible information about the upsides of these deals with the European Union and Trans-Pacific partners, ‘they will take the opportunity
- Alasdair Roberts, author of The Adaptable Country: How Canada Can Survive the Twenty-First Century, offers advice on how Canada can get through the Trump

- Alasdair Roberts, author of The Adaptable Country: How Canada Can Survive the Twenty-First Century, offers advice on how Canada can get through the Trump
- Alasdair Roberts, author of The Adaptable Country: How Canada Can Survive the Twenty-First Century, offers advice on how Canada can get through the Trump

- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.
- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- Economic development and international trade were the hottest advocacy topics in January based on the most popular subject matter listed in communication reports.
- Economic development and international trade were the hottest advocacy topics in January based on the most popular subject matter listed in communication reports.
- Economic development and international trade were the hottest advocacy topics in January based on the most popular subject matter listed in communication reports.
- Former Canadian diplomat Colin Robertson says the world is returning to a ‘darker age for small- and medium-sized powers like Canada’ as Donald Trump
- Former Canadian diplomat Colin Robertson says the world is returning to a ‘darker age for small- and medium-sized powers like Canada’ as Donald Trump
- Former Canadian diplomat Colin Robertson says the world is returning to a ‘darker age for small- and medium-sized powers like Canada’ as Donald Trump
- The fact is Canadians have had an easy ride on defence spending. But the ride is over. Whether Trump actually introduces tariffs or not,

- The fact is Canadians have had an easy ride on defence spending. But the ride is over. Whether Trump actually introduces tariffs or not,
- The fact is Canadians have had an easy ride on defence spending. But the ride is over. Whether Trump actually introduces tariffs or not,

- Ten of the EU's 27 members have yet to ratify the trade agreement with Canada as some are urging full approval to be advanced.
- Ten of the EU's 27 members have yet to ratify the trade agreement with Canada as some are urging full approval to be advanced.
- Ten of the EU's 27 members have yet to ratify the trade agreement with Canada as some are urging full approval to be advanced.
- A 2019 Canada-U.S. agreement and a 2018 CUSMA side letter mandated that consultations were required before tariffs could be imposed.
- A 2019 Canada-U.S. agreement and a 2018 CUSMA side letter mandated that consultations were required before tariffs could be imposed.
- A 2019 Canada-U.S. agreement and a 2018 CUSMA side letter mandated that consultations were required before tariffs could be imposed.
- Bad economics sometimes makes for good politics.
- Bad economics sometimes makes for good politics.
- Bad economics sometimes makes for good politics.
- The U.S. is 'looking for weakness,' according to the president of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association, who called the trade war an 'unprecedented set
- The U.S. is 'looking for weakness,' according to the president of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association, who called the trade war an 'unprecedented set
- The U.S. is 'looking for weakness,' according to the president of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association, who called the trade war an 'unprecedented set
- Canadians can no longer assume that our main security partner will join us in the defence of North America.
- Canadians can no longer assume that our main security partner will join us in the defence of North America.
- Canadians can no longer assume that our main security partner will join us in the defence of North America.
- International affairs professor Michael Manulak says world leaders are holding back comment so far because they're ‘unsure about how serious to take the 51st-state

- International affairs professor Michael Manulak says world leaders are holding back comment so far because they're ‘unsure about how serious to take the 51st-state
- International affairs professor Michael Manulak says world leaders are holding back comment so far because they're ‘unsure about how serious to take the 51st-state

- The time for action is now. Canada has the opportunity to ensure a healthier, stronger future for all Canadians by standing up for its
- The time for action is now. Canada has the opportunity to ensure a healthier, stronger future for all Canadians by standing up for its
- The time for action is now. Canada has the opportunity to ensure a healthier, stronger future for all Canadians by standing up for its
- If Trump goes through with what The Wall Street Journal has called the 'dumbest trade war in history,' there's no telling where that road will

- If Trump goes through with what The Wall Street Journal has called the 'dumbest trade war in history,' there's no telling where that road will
- If Trump goes through with what The Wall Street Journal has called the 'dumbest trade war in history,' there's no telling where that road will

- Canada's premiers made their way to the White House for a meeting with senior advisers to the U.S. president on Feb. 12.
- Canada's premiers made their way to the White House for a meeting with senior advisers to the U.S. president on Feb. 12.
- Canada's premiers made their way to the White House for a meeting with senior advisers to the U.S. president on Feb. 12.