- ‘Every day is a new threat by people who only know how to threaten,’ and won’t follow through if Americans ‘rise up,’ says Flavio Volpe, the head of Canada's Automotive Parts Manufacturing Association.
- ‘Every day is a new threat by people who only know how to threaten,’ and won’t follow through if Americans ‘rise up,’ says Flavio Volpe, the head of Canada's Automotive Parts Manufacturing Association.
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- The Trump administration cannot be allowed to get away with this thuggish behaviour that risks global depression, global peace and security and sustainability. It
- The Trump administration cannot be allowed to get away with this thuggish behaviour that risks global depression, global peace and security and sustainability. It
- The Trump administration cannot be allowed to get away with this thuggish behaviour that risks global depression, global peace and security and sustainability. It
- World politics are undergoing a major power transition that only comes around once a century, says Aaron Ettinger. 'We don't know what a liberal

- World politics are undergoing a major power transition that only comes around once a century, says Aaron Ettinger. 'We don't know what a liberal
- World politics are undergoing a major power transition that only comes around once a century, says Aaron Ettinger. 'We don't know what a liberal

- If exporters are given accessible information about the upsides of these deals with the European Union and Trans-Pacific partners, ‘they will take the opportunity
- If exporters are given accessible information about the upsides of these deals with the European Union and Trans-Pacific partners, ‘they will take the opportunity
- If exporters are given accessible information about the upsides of these deals with the European Union and Trans-Pacific partners, ‘they will take the opportunity
- Alasdair Roberts, author of The Adaptable Country: How Canada Can Survive the Twenty-First Century, offers advice on how Canada can get through the Trump

- Alasdair Roberts, author of The Adaptable Country: How Canada Can Survive the Twenty-First Century, offers advice on how Canada can get through the Trump
- Alasdair Roberts, author of The Adaptable Country: How Canada Can Survive the Twenty-First Century, offers advice on how Canada can get through the Trump

- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.
- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- Canada needs to address a history of inconsistent engagement in the Indo-Pacific if the new strategy and funding are to be effective, experts say.

- Canada needs to address a history of inconsistent engagement in the Indo-Pacific if the new strategy and funding are to be effective, experts say.
- Canada needs to address a history of inconsistent engagement in the Indo-Pacific if the new strategy and funding are to be effective, experts say.

- Canada’s Indo-Pacific strategy needs to attract our southern neighbour's attention, and will have to make every effort to ensure that its engagement is meaningful

- Canada’s Indo-Pacific strategy needs to attract our southern neighbour's attention, and will have to make every effort to ensure that its engagement is meaningful
- Canada’s Indo-Pacific strategy needs to attract our southern neighbour's attention, and will have to make every effort to ensure that its engagement is meaningful

- The new American law could ‘attract a lot of capital’ that ‘might otherwise go to Canada,' because it offers companies investing south of the

- The new American law could ‘attract a lot of capital’ that ‘might otherwise go to Canada,' because it offers companies investing south of the
- The new American law could ‘attract a lot of capital’ that ‘might otherwise go to Canada,' because it offers companies investing south of the

- Advocates for reducing intellectual property rules to promote access to medicines see a report issued by the House Foreign Affairs Committee last week as

- Advocates for reducing intellectual property rules to promote access to medicines see a report issued by the House Foreign Affairs Committee last week as
- Advocates for reducing intellectual property rules to promote access to medicines see a report issued by the House Foreign Affairs Committee last week as

- With negotiation of a new Canada-U.K. free trade agreement set to be completed within the next 17 months, it remains to be seen what
- With negotiation of a new Canada-U.K. free trade agreement set to be completed within the next 17 months, it remains to be seen what
- With negotiation of a new Canada-U.K. free trade agreement set to be completed within the next 17 months, it remains to be seen what
- The federal government should move quickly to consult Canadians on the rules surrounding when generic drug makers can manufacture and send patented medicines to

- The federal government should move quickly to consult Canadians on the rules surrounding when generic drug makers can manufacture and send patented medicines to
- The federal government should move quickly to consult Canadians on the rules surrounding when generic drug makers can manufacture and send patented medicines to

- Amid Ukrainian momentum on the battlefield, France’s newest ambassador to Canada is eyeing the far-reaching effects of Russia’s misstep, likely to be felt around
- Amid Ukrainian momentum on the battlefield, France’s newest ambassador to Canada is eyeing the far-reaching effects of Russia’s misstep, likely to be felt around
- Amid Ukrainian momentum on the battlefield, France’s newest ambassador to Canada is eyeing the far-reaching effects of Russia’s misstep, likely to be felt around
- Canada has a serious infrastructure deficit. We have heard this for years. We, at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, have been saying it for

- Canada has a serious infrastructure deficit. We have heard this for years. We, at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, have been saying it for
- Canada has a serious infrastructure deficit. We have heard this for years. We, at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, have been saying it for

- Despite a Canadian proclamation that cheese won’t be a subject of negotiations during free trade discussions with the United Kingdom, the U.K. is maintaining
- Despite a Canadian proclamation that cheese won’t be a subject of negotiations during free trade discussions with the United Kingdom, the U.K. is maintaining
- Despite a Canadian proclamation that cheese won’t be a subject of negotiations during free trade discussions with the United Kingdom, the U.K. is maintaining
- As Ottawa embarks on a trade challenge of American countervailing duties on Canadian softwood lumber exports, there is a glimmer of hope that both
- As Ottawa embarks on a trade challenge of American countervailing duties on Canadian softwood lumber exports, there is a glimmer of hope that both
- As Ottawa embarks on a trade challenge of American countervailing duties on Canadian softwood lumber exports, there is a glimmer of hope that both
- A shortage of tradespersons leads to higher labour costs, which in turn leads to higher home prices, less housing inventory, and longer wait times
- A shortage of tradespersons leads to higher labour costs, which in turn leads to higher home prices, less housing inventory, and longer wait times
- A shortage of tradespersons leads to higher labour costs, which in turn leads to higher home prices, less housing inventory, and longer wait times
- Taiwan’s outgoing representative says the troubled Canada-China relationship and the Russian invasion of Ukraine shows the need for democracies to stand together. “If we
- Taiwan’s outgoing representative says the troubled Canada-China relationship and the Russian invasion of Ukraine shows the need for democracies to stand together. “If we
- Taiwan’s outgoing representative says the troubled Canada-China relationship and the Russian invasion of Ukraine shows the need for democracies to stand together. “If we