- ‘Every day is a new threat by people who only know how to threaten,’ and won’t follow through if Americans ‘rise up,’ says Flavio Volpe, the head of Canada's Automotive Parts Manufacturing Association.
- ‘Every day is a new threat by people who only know how to threaten,’ and won’t follow through if Americans ‘rise up,’ says Flavio Volpe, the head of Canada's Automotive Parts Manufacturing Association.
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- The Trump administration cannot be allowed to get away with this thuggish behaviour that risks global depression, global peace and security and sustainability. It
- The Trump administration cannot be allowed to get away with this thuggish behaviour that risks global depression, global peace and security and sustainability. It
- The Trump administration cannot be allowed to get away with this thuggish behaviour that risks global depression, global peace and security and sustainability. It
- World politics are undergoing a major power transition that only comes around once a century, says Aaron Ettinger. 'We don't know what a liberal

- World politics are undergoing a major power transition that only comes around once a century, says Aaron Ettinger. 'We don't know what a liberal
- World politics are undergoing a major power transition that only comes around once a century, says Aaron Ettinger. 'We don't know what a liberal

- If exporters are given accessible information about the upsides of these deals with the European Union and Trans-Pacific partners, ‘they will take the opportunity
- If exporters are given accessible information about the upsides of these deals with the European Union and Trans-Pacific partners, ‘they will take the opportunity
- If exporters are given accessible information about the upsides of these deals with the European Union and Trans-Pacific partners, ‘they will take the opportunity
- Alasdair Roberts, author of The Adaptable Country: How Canada Can Survive the Twenty-First Century, offers advice on how Canada can get through the Trump

- Alasdair Roberts, author of The Adaptable Country: How Canada Can Survive the Twenty-First Century, offers advice on how Canada can get through the Trump
- Alasdair Roberts, author of The Adaptable Country: How Canada Can Survive the Twenty-First Century, offers advice on how Canada can get through the Trump

- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.
- Liberal leadership candidates faced off in battleground Montreal near the epicentre of their September byelection loss.

- The federal government’s current international education strategy is set to expire next March, and Global Affairs Canada’s trade commissioner service is leading the work
- The federal government’s current international education strategy is set to expire next March, and Global Affairs Canada’s trade commissioner service is leading the work
- The federal government’s current international education strategy is set to expire next March, and Global Affairs Canada’s trade commissioner service is leading the work
- Some are calling on the federal government to combine its plans for African engagement into a comprehensive strategy.
- Some are calling on the federal government to combine its plans for African engagement into a comprehensive strategy.
- Some are calling on the federal government to combine its plans for African engagement into a comprehensive strategy.
- Bill C-282 passed the House of Commons at third reading 262-51, arriving in the Senate just prior to the Chamber rising for the summer.
- Bill C-282 passed the House of Commons at third reading 262-51, arriving in the Senate just prior to the Chamber rising for the summer.
- Bill C-282 passed the House of Commons at third reading 262-51, arriving in the Senate just prior to the Chamber rising for the summer.
- Before Canada finalizes a trade pact with ASEAN, Myanmar's place in that deal will have to be confronted, say former diplomats.
- Before Canada finalizes a trade pact with ASEAN, Myanmar's place in that deal will have to be confronted, say former diplomats.
- Before Canada finalizes a trade pact with ASEAN, Myanmar's place in that deal will have to be confronted, say former diplomats.
- The time for a stronger Canada-India partnership is now. Let's embark on a shared journey towards global progress, guided by the principles of democracy,
- The time for a stronger Canada-India partnership is now. Let's embark on a shared journey towards global progress, guided by the principles of democracy,
- The time for a stronger Canada-India partnership is now. Let's embark on a shared journey towards global progress, guided by the principles of democracy,
- In a wide-ranging interview, new Colombian Ambassador to Canada Carlos Morales talks increased trade, faster immigration processing, co-operation on the Venezuelan crisis, and his
- In a wide-ranging interview, new Colombian Ambassador to Canada Carlos Morales talks increased trade, faster immigration processing, co-operation on the Venezuelan crisis, and his
- In a wide-ranging interview, new Colombian Ambassador to Canada Carlos Morales talks increased trade, faster immigration processing, co-operation on the Venezuelan crisis, and his
- If, as Canadians, we want to make a serious contribution to a better world, rather than sounding like an echo for U.S. interests, our
- If, as Canadians, we want to make a serious contribution to a better world, rather than sounding like an echo for U.S. interests, our
- If, as Canadians, we want to make a serious contribution to a better world, rather than sounding like an echo for U.S. interests, our
- In a wide-ranging interview, Mexican Ambassador Carlos Joaquín González talks American migrant concerns, tourism rebounds, energy disputes, and an upcoming Three Amigos summit.
- In a wide-ranging interview, Mexican Ambassador Carlos Joaquín González talks American migrant concerns, tourism rebounds, energy disputes, and an upcoming Three Amigos summit.
- In a wide-ranging interview, Mexican Ambassador Carlos Joaquín González talks American migrant concerns, tourism rebounds, energy disputes, and an upcoming Three Amigos summit.
- High Commissioner Verma says India is eager to finalize an early stage trade deal, but isn't proposing any timelines for completion.
- High Commissioner Verma says India is eager to finalize an early stage trade deal, but isn't proposing any timelines for completion.
- High Commissioner Verma says India is eager to finalize an early stage trade deal, but isn't proposing any timelines for completion.
- Both Canada and India theorized that a first stage trade pact could be concluded in 'a matter of months,' but negotiations continue more than
- Both Canada and India theorized that a first stage trade pact could be concluded in 'a matter of months,' but negotiations continue more than
- Both Canada and India theorized that a first stage trade pact could be concluded in 'a matter of months,' but negotiations continue more than
- U.K. consumers have been facing the worst decline in living standards since the 1950s as a result of the combination of soaring inflation and
- U.K. consumers have been facing the worst decline in living standards since the 1950s as a result of the combination of soaring inflation and
- U.K. consumers have been facing the worst decline in living standards since the 1950s as a result of the combination of soaring inflation and
- The legislative timeline to pass the U.K.'s accession protocol is expected to take a minimum of 18 months for all CPTPP members.
- The legislative timeline to pass the U.K.'s accession protocol is expected to take a minimum of 18 months for all CPTPP members.
- The legislative timeline to pass the U.K.'s accession protocol is expected to take a minimum of 18 months for all CPTPP members.