Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Sunday, March 9, 2025 | Latest Paper

The North

Snowmobiles light the drop zone before a Canadian Armed Forces battalion parachute drop near Resolute Bay, Nunavut. DND photograph by Louis Brunet
Opinion | BY ANDREW LATHAM | December 31, 2024
Bill Blair
Defence Minister Bill Blair. By adopting a focused and pragmatic strategy to protect its undersea cables, Canada can safeguard its national interests and contribute to the stability of the global order, writes Andrew Latham. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY ANDREW LATHAM | December 31, 2024
Opinion | BY ANDREW LATHAM | December 31, 2024
Bill Blair
Defence Minister Bill Blair. By adopting a focused and pragmatic strategy to protect its undersea cables, Canada can safeguard its national interests and contribute to the stability of the global order, writes Andrew Latham. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY ANDREW ERSKINE | December 9, 2024
Bill Blair
Defence Minister Bill Blair. Ottawa must find the right fleet composition and capacity so the Navy can make more tactically informed decisions about its operations, writes Andrew Erskine. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY ANDREW ERSKINE | December 9, 2024
Opinion | BY ANDREW ERSKINE | December 9, 2024
Bill Blair
Defence Minister Bill Blair. Ottawa must find the right fleet composition and capacity so the Navy can make more tactically informed decisions about its operations, writes Andrew Erskine. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY JOHN POMEROY | December 4, 2024
Canada must prepare for minimal sea ice in the Arctic Ocean in the summer and sea level rise on all coasts as glacier melt raises sea levels, writes John W. Pomeroy, a snow and ice hydrologist at the University of Saskatchewan. Photograph courtesy of pasja1000,
Opinion | BY JOHN POMEROY | December 4, 2024
Opinion | BY JOHN POMEROY | December 4, 2024
Canada must prepare for minimal sea ice in the Arctic Ocean in the summer and sea level rise on all coasts as glacier melt raises sea levels, writes John W. Pomeroy, a snow and ice hydrologist at the University of Saskatchewan. Photograph courtesy of pasja1000,
Opinion | BY SCOTT TAYLOR | December 2, 2024
At first glance it would seem ludicrous to think we could deter the Russian or Chinese navies with a 7,000 ton Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship which mounts a single 25mm cannon, writes Scott Taylor. DND photograph by Corporal David Veldman
Opinion | BY SCOTT TAYLOR | December 2, 2024
Opinion | BY SCOTT TAYLOR | December 2, 2024
At first glance it would seem ludicrous to think we could deter the Russian or Chinese navies with a 7,000 ton Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship which mounts a single 25mm cannon, writes Scott Taylor. DND photograph by Corporal David Veldman
News | BY JESSE CNOCKAERT | December 2, 2024
N.W.T Premier R.J. Simpson, left, met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in West Block on Oct. 7. A delegation of territorial government representatives and 26 Indigenous leaders visited Ottawa to discuss issues facing people in northern Canada. Photograph courtesy of Cynthia Münster
News | BY JESSE CNOCKAERT | December 2, 2024
News | BY JESSE CNOCKAERT | December 2, 2024
N.W.T Premier R.J. Simpson, left, met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in West Block on Oct. 7. A delegation of territorial government representatives and 26 Indigenous leaders visited Ottawa to discuss issues facing people in northern Canada. Photograph courtesy of Cynthia Münster
FeatureBY SAMANTHA WRIGHT ALLEN | October 3, 2018
Thomas Winkler, the new Danish ambassador to Canada, jumped right into his new role in September with only the summer off after five 'intense' years in Russia. The Hill Times file photograph by Andrew Meade
FeatureBY SAMANTHA WRIGHT ALLEN | October 3, 2018
FeatureBY SAMANTHA WRIGHT ALLEN | October 3, 2018
Thomas Winkler, the new Danish ambassador to Canada, jumped right into his new role in September with only the summer off after five 'intense' years in Russia. The Hill Times file photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MATTHEW PINE, WILLIAM HALLIDAY | October 1, 2018
It is also going to take a combination of measures to ensure our Arctic whales don’t swim into the same kind of trouble as their southern counterparts, write William Halliday and Matthew Pine. Photograph courtesy of Wikipedia
Opinion | BY MATTHEW PINE, WILLIAM HALLIDAY | October 1, 2018
Opinion | BY MATTHEW PINE, WILLIAM HALLIDAY | October 1, 2018
It is also going to take a combination of measures to ensure our Arctic whales don’t swim into the same kind of trouble as their southern counterparts, write William Halliday and Matthew Pine. Photograph courtesy of Wikipedia
News | BY SAMANTHA WRIGHT ALLEN | September 24, 2018
The House Foreign Affairs Committee, pictured last week, is looking at Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic in light of Russian militarization of their northern territories, Chinese ambitions for a 'Polar Silk Road,' and upcoming decisions related to the continental shelf under the UN Convention on Law of the Sea, according to the study parameters. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
News | BY SAMANTHA WRIGHT ALLEN | September 24, 2018
News | BY SAMANTHA WRIGHT ALLEN | September 24, 2018
The House Foreign Affairs Committee, pictured last week, is looking at Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic in light of Russian militarization of their northern territories, Chinese ambitions for a 'Polar Silk Road,' and upcoming decisions related to the continental shelf under the UN Convention on Law of the Sea, according to the study parameters. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY MARY BUHR | September 17, 2018
Last year, Statistics Canada released an analysis of 2012 information: between 33 and 55 per cent of Nunavut residents over the age of 25 had experienced food insecurity in the previous 12 months. Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Opinion | BY MARY BUHR | September 17, 2018
Opinion | BY MARY BUHR | September 17, 2018
Last year, Statistics Canada released an analysis of 2012 information: between 33 and 55 per cent of Nunavut residents over the age of 25 had experienced food insecurity in the previous 12 months. Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
News | BY EMILY HAWS | August 1, 2018
Natan Obed, incumbent president of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, is competing against two other candidates for a second term. The election will take place Aug. 16. The Hill Times photograph by Sam Garcia
News | BY EMILY HAWS | August 1, 2018
News | BY EMILY HAWS | August 1, 2018
Natan Obed, incumbent president of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, is competing against two other candidates for a second term. The election will take place Aug. 16. The Hill Times photograph by Sam Garcia
Opinion | BY STEPHEN HENDRIE | July 18, 2018
Dancers at the quadrennial general assembly of the Inuit Circumpolar Council in Utqiaġvik, Alaska this week. Photograph courtesy of Stephen Hendrie
Opinion | BY STEPHEN HENDRIE | July 18, 2018
Opinion | BY STEPHEN HENDRIE | July 18, 2018
Dancers at the quadrennial general assembly of the Inuit Circumpolar Council in Utqiaġvik, Alaska this week. Photograph courtesy of Stephen Hendrie
Senators invited First Nations, Métis, and Inuit youth leaders to speak with them about Indigenous issues earlier this month. Kayla Bernard, the 22-year-old First Nations woman from Halifax, pictured with Independent Senator Yuen Pau Woo on June 6, was among those who shared her experience. Photograph courtesy of Conservative Senator Scott Tannas
Senators invited First Nations, Métis, and Inuit youth leaders to speak with them about Indigenous issues earlier this month. Kayla Bernard, the 22-year-old First Nations woman from Halifax, pictured with Independent Senator Yuen Pau Woo on June 6, was among those who shared her experience. Photograph courtesy of Conservative Senator Scott Tannas
Opinion | BY PERRY BELLEGARDE | June 18, 2018
Crown-Indigenous Minister Carolyn Bennett speaks at the Assembly of First Nations meeting in May. Fixing the comprehensive claims policy, among other issues, must be done with First Nations directly, writes AFN National Chief Perry Bellegarde. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY PERRY BELLEGARDE | June 18, 2018
Opinion | BY PERRY BELLEGARDE | June 18, 2018
Crown-Indigenous Minister Carolyn Bennett speaks at the Assembly of First Nations meeting in May. Fixing the comprehensive claims policy, among other issues, must be done with First Nations directly, writes AFN National Chief Perry Bellegarde. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Indigenous Services Minister Jane Philpott, pictured. Each community is faced with their own unique health challenges. Nurses are the front-line workers who address these complex situations each day, writes Liberal MP Dan Rusnak. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Indigenous Services Minister Jane Philpott, pictured. Each community is faced with their own unique health challenges. Nurses are the front-line workers who address these complex situations each day, writes Liberal MP Dan Rusnak. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY NDP MP CHARLIE ANGUS | June 18, 2018
Auditor General Michael Ferguson, pictured, during the release of his spring reports, in which he said that the government's inability to improve the livelihood of Indigenous people is an 'incomprehensible failure.' The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY NDP MP CHARLIE ANGUS | June 18, 2018
Opinion | BY NDP MP CHARLIE ANGUS | June 18, 2018
Auditor General Michael Ferguson, pictured, during the release of his spring reports, in which he said that the government's inability to improve the livelihood of Indigenous people is an 'incomprehensible failure.' The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
News | BY CHARELLE EVELYN | June 6, 2018
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, pictured with Assembly of First Nations national chief Perry Bellegarde, could be in for a fight from some Indigenous organizations unhappy with the Liberals’ reconciliation record. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
News | BY CHARELLE EVELYN | June 6, 2018
News | BY CHARELLE EVELYN | June 6, 2018
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, pictured with Assembly of First Nations national chief Perry Bellegarde, could be in for a fight from some Indigenous organizations unhappy with the Liberals’ reconciliation record. The Hill Times photograph by Andrew Meade
Opinion | BY GWYNNE DYER | May 28, 2018
The focus of concern for the moment, however, is on what the warming is doing to the Greenland ice-cap. This ice is on land, and when it melts it raises the sea-level. More importantly for the near term may be the fact that it is putting a large volume of fresh water into the northern North Atlantic Ocean. Photograph courtesy of NASA
Opinion | BY GWYNNE DYER | May 28, 2018
Opinion | BY GWYNNE DYER | May 28, 2018
The focus of concern for the moment, however, is on what the warming is doing to the Greenland ice-cap. This ice is on land, and when it melts it raises the sea-level. More importantly for the near term may be the fact that it is putting a large volume of fresh water into the northern North Atlantic Ocean. Photograph courtesy of NASA