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- Given the huge threats to our future—of which Donald Trump is just one—Canada needs a leader with extensive economic experience, something which both Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre each lack.
- Given the huge threats to our future—of which Donald Trump is just one—Canada needs a leader with extensive economic experience, something which both Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre each lack.
- Justin Trudeau's graceless dithering in the face of the obvious that his time is up sets up two possibilities. The possibility of an ugly rebellion that will force him out, or a non-confidence vote that will trigger an election.
- Justin Trudeau's graceless dithering in the face of the obvious that his time is up sets up two possibilities. The possibility of an ugly rebellion that will force him out, or a non-confidence vote that will trigger an election.
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- The results of The Hill Times’ 2024 year-end poll are in. Liberal MP Sean Fraser scores a hat trick and takes the ‘Most Valuable Politician’ title for the second year in a row, while Tory Leader Pierre Poilievre divides respondents.
- Did Freeland's firing expose Trudeau as a fake feminist? To some, this is an irrefutable fact, but Trudeau has also humiliated male ministers, including Bill Morneau and David Lametti—anyone, really, who dares question his supreme wisdom. The underlying problem is that he attracted accomplished individuals to cabinet, then treated them like wallpaper.
- Did Freeland's firing expose Trudeau as a fake feminist? To some, this is an irrefutable fact, but Trudeau has also humiliated male ministers, including Bill Morneau and David Lametti—anyone, really, who dares question his supreme wisdom. The underlying problem is that he attracted accomplished individuals to cabinet, then treated them like wallpaper.
- The enemy without—climate change, of course—is scratching at the window, unheard and ignored. In one way or another it’s coming for us all.
- The enemy without—climate change, of course—is scratching at the window, unheard and ignored. In one way or another it’s coming for us all.
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