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- Given the months of speculation, the internal unrest, and the dire polls, Justin Trudeau’s announcement seemed almost as inevitable as Ottawa enduring chilly weather in January.
- Given the months of speculation, the internal unrest, and the dire polls, Justin Trudeau’s announcement seemed almost as inevitable as Ottawa enduring chilly weather in January.
- Liberal Party members have much to consider after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced plans to resign as party leader and then as prime minister after they select a new leader.
- Liberal Party members have much to consider after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced plans to resign as party leader and then as prime minister after they select a new leader.
- Justin Trudeau has faced calls from an increasing number of MPs, including the Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada regional caucuses, to step down as Liberal leader.
- Justin Trudeau has faced calls from an increasing number of MPs, including the Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada regional caucuses, to step down as Liberal leader.
- In a letter to the Liberal Party president, Alberta Liberal MP George Chahal calls for an urgent leadership election to name a new leader.
- In a letter to the Liberal Party president, Alberta Liberal MP George Chahal calls for an urgent leadership election to name a new leader.
- Some Liberals are already ‘jockeying’ for the interim leader’s position, say Liberal MPs.
- Some Liberals are already ‘jockeying’ for the interim leader’s position, say Liberal MPs.
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