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- In the lead-up to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s resignation announcement on Jan. 6, The Hill Times has been gathering commentary, kept under embargo until now, from Canadian historians, political scientists, partisans, and public policy experts.
- In the lead-up to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s resignation announcement on Jan. 6, The Hill Times has been gathering commentary, kept under embargo until now, from Canadian historians, political scientists, partisans, and public policy experts.
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- The Liberal caucus chair has allocated six hours for Wednesday's national meeting to address any potential developments, as they remain uncertain about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's plans, according to Liberal sources.
- The Liberal caucus chair has allocated six hours for Wednesday's national meeting to address any potential developments, as they remain uncertain about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's plans, according to Liberal sources.
- In a letter to the Liberal Party president, Alberta Liberal MP George Chahal calls for an urgent leadership election to name a new leader.
- In a letter to the Liberal Party president, Alberta Liberal MP George Chahal calls for an urgent leadership election to name a new leader.
- Some Liberals are already ‘jockeying’ for the interim leader’s position, say Liberal MPs.
- Some Liberals are already ‘jockeying’ for the interim leader’s position, say Liberal MPs.
- The boost in polling that Democrats have enjoyed since U.S. President Joe Biden dropped out of the race would not be shared by the Liberals if Justin Trudeau were to do the same.
- The boost in polling that Democrats have enjoyed since U.S. President Joe Biden dropped out of the race would not be shared by the Liberals if Justin Trudeau were to do the same.
- The man who took on the top job to rescue the Liberal Party is now the main reason that same party could be obliterated in the next election. Unless, once again for the good of the party, he chooses a different path.
- The man who took on the top job to rescue the Liberal Party is now the main reason that same party could be obliterated in the next election. Unless, once again for the good of the party, he chooses a different path.
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