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- Catherine Tsalikis spent four years researching Chrystia Freeland's life. She tells The Hill Times that she sees two constants in the former deputy prime minister's life: principle and loyalty.
- Did Freeland's firing expose Trudeau as a fake feminist? To some, this is an irrefutable fact, but Trudeau has also humiliated male ministers, including Bill Morneau and David Lametti—anyone, really, who dares question his supreme wisdom. The underlying problem is that he attracted accomplished individuals to cabinet, then treated them like wallpaper.
- Did Freeland's firing expose Trudeau as a fake feminist? To some, this is an irrefutable fact, but Trudeau has also humiliated male ministers, including Bill Morneau and David Lametti—anyone, really, who dares question his supreme wisdom. The underlying problem is that he attracted accomplished individuals to cabinet, then treated them like wallpaper.
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- Plus, politicos react to Chrystia Freeland’s historic resignation.
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- With leaks to The Globe and Mail last week reporting of friction between Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland, she appeared to address the rumours by describing the pair as 'at odds about the best path forward for Canada.'
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