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- Parliamentary secretary Taleeb Noormohamed acknowledged ‘frustration that the government hasn't done more to regulate,’ but ‘the question becomes what exactly are you trying to regulate.’
- Parliamentary secretary Taleeb Noormohamed acknowledged ‘frustration that the government hasn't done more to regulate,’ but ‘the question becomes what exactly are you trying to regulate.’
- We need a radical new approach: an end to annual appropriations and ministerial oversight for CBC/Radio-Canada in exchange for an endowment fund that would see public and private media adequately supported in perpetuity.
- We need a radical new approach: an end to annual appropriations and ministerial oversight for CBC/Radio-Canada in exchange for an endowment fund that would see public and private media adequately supported in perpetuity.
- By buzzwords and dog whistles, as the Trudeau government contends, Pierre Poilievre is doing his best to create a sense of grievance so powerful that the Liberals will be swept from office like dry leaves in a windstorm. It may not be policy or even credible, but it appears to be working.
- By buzzwords and dog whistles, as the Trudeau government contends, Pierre Poilievre is doing his best to create a sense of grievance so powerful that the Liberals will be swept from office like dry leaves in a windstorm. It may not be policy or even credible, but it appears to be working.
- Targeting the CBC is red meat to the Conservative base, and will doubtless attract some support in other sectors. But it’s hard to see voters struggling with the cost of living, paying higher interest rates on mortgages, and perceiving an increasingly grim future outlook are going to be considering the fate of the public broadcaster when they mark their ballot.
- Targeting the CBC is red meat to the Conservative base, and will doubtless attract some support in other sectors. But it’s hard to see voters struggling with the cost of living, paying higher interest rates on mortgages, and perceiving an increasingly grim future outlook are going to be considering the fate of the public broadcaster when they mark their ballot.
- President and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada Catherine Tait recently told MPs in committee that over the last 30 years, the network 'has not had a real increase in its budget, real dollars aside. We are flat.'
- President and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada Catherine Tait recently told MPs in committee that over the last 30 years, the network 'has not had a real increase in its budget, real dollars aside. We are flat.'
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