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- In a letter to the Liberal Party president, Alberta Liberal MP George Chahal calls for an urgent leadership election to name a new leader.
- In a letter to the Liberal Party president, Alberta Liberal MP George Chahal calls for an urgent leadership election to name a new leader.
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- 'There's no question' Trump's return as U.S. president puts more focus on Canada to reach a NATO defence spending target, says Liberal MP John McKay.
- 'There's no question' Trump's return as U.S. president puts more focus on Canada to reach a NATO defence spending target, says Liberal MP John McKay.
- Unions were told last week that job cuts may go beyond attrition after a decade-long hiring spree.
- Unions were told last week that job cuts may go beyond attrition after a decade-long hiring spree.
- The government's figures projecting military spending to reach 1.76 per cent of GDP by 2029-30 'are based on an erroneous GDP forecast,' says the Parliamentary Budget Officer.
- The government's figures projecting military spending to reach 1.76 per cent of GDP by 2029-30 'are based on an erroneous GDP forecast,' says the Parliamentary Budget Officer.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced in July that Canada 'fully expects' to reach a spending target of two per cent of GDP on defence by 2032, but critics say the announcement 'lacks any substance.' It's expected the government will be lobbied hard on this in the fall.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced in July that Canada 'fully expects' to reach a spending target of two per cent of GDP on defence by 2032, but critics say the announcement 'lacks any substance.' It's expected the government will be lobbied hard on this in the fall.
- In 2025, the figures NATO uses to calculate members' GDP will no longer be based on the 2015 numbers it uses now, but would instead use 2020 as the base year, leaving Canada about $3.5-billion short of its 2032 target.
- In 2025, the figures NATO uses to calculate members' GDP will no longer be based on the 2015 numbers it uses now, but would instead use 2020 as the base year, leaving Canada about $3.5-billion short of its 2032 target.
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