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- Infrastructure gaps have major social, health, and economic impacts on Indigenous Peoples.
- Infrastructure gaps have major social, health, and economic impacts on Indigenous Peoples.
- This September and on this National Day of Reconciliation, take the time to consider the amount of expertise in Indigenous communities, the strength to survive, the strength to come back.
- This September and on this National Day of Reconciliation, take the time to consider the amount of expertise in Indigenous communities, the strength to survive, the strength to come back.
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- There's still an ‘ambitious agenda’ before the next election, but reconciliation is a 'generational goal,' says Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Gary Anandasangaree
- Governments of all levels must stop the patterns of colonialism that have persisted for 150 years, respect Indigenous Peoples’ abilities to make their own decisions, and stop preventing Indigenous Peoples from revitalizing their languages.
- Governments of all levels must stop the patterns of colonialism that have persisted for 150 years, respect Indigenous Peoples’ abilities to make their own decisions, and stop preventing Indigenous Peoples from revitalizing their languages.
- Closing the critical infrastructure gap between First Nations and non-Indigenous communities is impossible on the current course. Thankfully, there is a way to get there faster.
- Closing the critical infrastructure gap between First Nations and non-Indigenous communities is impossible on the current course. Thankfully, there is a way to get there faster.
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