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- We need a radical new approach: an end to annual appropriations and ministerial oversight for CBC/Radio-Canada in exchange for an endowment fund that would see public and private media adequately supported in perpetuity.
- We need a radical new approach: an end to annual appropriations and ministerial oversight for CBC/Radio-Canada in exchange for an endowment fund that would see public and private media adequately supported in perpetuity.
- Former CBC News Hill bureau chief Chris Waddell says the CBC isn't immune from cuts, but says the government should decide what role it wants the public broadcaster to play in the current media environment.
- Former CBC News Hill bureau chief Chris Waddell says the CBC isn't immune from cuts, but says the government should decide what role it wants the public broadcaster to play in the current media environment.
- The CBC’s cuts are another example of Canadian news media companies doing a poor job of expanding their audience, and losing relevance to younger, more diverse, and digitally savvy generations.
- The CBC’s cuts are another example of Canadian news media companies doing a poor job of expanding their audience, and losing relevance to younger, more diverse, and digitally savvy generations.
- President and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada Catherine Tait recently told MPs in committee that over the last 30 years, the network 'has not had a real increase in its budget, real dollars aside. We are flat.'
- President and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada Catherine Tait recently told MPs in committee that over the last 30 years, the network 'has not had a real increase in its budget, real dollars aside. We are flat.'
- We know that he wants to defund the CBC once he's prime minister, but he's also just as unhappy with The Canadian Press and by extension the private-sector news firms that created it.
- We know that he wants to defund the CBC once he's prime minister, but he's also just as unhappy with The Canadian Press and by extension the private-sector news firms that created it.
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