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- Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, who spent the morning of Trump's second inauguration doing an interview with CP24's morning show, said Canada needs to be strong, smart and united. 'The key is not to be scared.'
- Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, who spent the morning of Trump's second inauguration doing an interview with CP24's morning show, said Canada needs to be strong, smart and united. 'The key is not to be scared.'
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- The Liberals can carry on without a supply bill for a few months, but responding to new pressures will be ‘trickier,’ says PBO Yves Giroux. If the gridlock persists to spring, government will come to ‘a screeching halt.’
- The Liberals can carry on without a supply bill for a few months, but responding to new pressures will be ‘trickier,’ says PBO Yves Giroux. If the gridlock persists to spring, government will come to ‘a screeching halt.’
- Unions were told last week that job cuts may go beyond attrition after a decade-long hiring spree.
- Unions were told last week that job cuts may go beyond attrition after a decade-long hiring spree.
- Total released spending plans now sit at $461.8-billion, or 90 per cent of the amount outlined in the April budget for 2024-25. That percentage is on pace with the last two years by this time, but both years the Liberals surpassed their budget plans by billions of dollars.
- Total released spending plans now sit at $461.8-billion, or 90 per cent of the amount outlined in the April budget for 2024-25. That percentage is on pace with the last two years by this time, but both years the Liberals surpassed their budget plans by billions of dollars.
- The 5,000 public servants projected to leave in the next four years are expected to make up the bulk of previously announced savings targets.
- The 5,000 public servants projected to leave in the next four years are expected to make up the bulk of previously announced savings targets.
- Comparing the 2023-24 and 2024-25 main estimates, The Hill Times identified 30 departments and agencies for which spending authorizations will change by $100-million or more.
- Comparing the 2023-24 and 2024-25 main estimates, The Hill Times identified 30 departments and agencies for which spending authorizations will change by $100-million or more.
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