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- The state of our politics may have centrist Canadians dreaming of the different electoral system the Trudeau government promised, but ultimately failed to deliver.
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- Leaders seeking re-election in New Brunswick, Saskatchewan paint opponents as Trudeau allies, while BC Conservatives adopt similar messaging to Poilievre.
- Donald Trump would once again pull the U.S. out of global climate commitments and negotiations under the 2015 Paris Accord, recently calling it a 'rip-off of the United States.'
- Donald Trump would once again pull the U.S. out of global climate commitments and negotiations under the 2015 Paris Accord, recently calling it a 'rip-off of the United States.'
- Today’s politics is entirely personality and performances. The bickering plays out like an annoying soundtrack, and the temptation to tune it out can be overwhelming—and unwise. Politicians can invent and evade facts all they want. Climate change doesn’t care. But we should.
- Today’s politics is entirely personality and performances. The bickering plays out like an annoying soundtrack, and the temptation to tune it out can be overwhelming—and unwise. Politicians can invent and evade facts all they want. Climate change doesn’t care. But we should.
- Climate change is on the agenda, but only sometimes, as one of several recurring issues. It might crop up when a town burns down, or when a mountainside slides over a highway in torrential rain disrupting the movement of goods.
- Climate change is on the agenda, but only sometimes, as one of several recurring issues. It might crop up when a town burns down, or when a mountainside slides over a highway in torrential rain disrupting the movement of goods.
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