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- Building on Jack Layton’s legacy, Jagmeet Singh is betting that his vision—rooted in affordable housing, good jobs, and expanded health care—will resonate with voters who feel left behind by the Liberals and Conservatives.
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- In Montreal, Justin Trudeau is putting his leadership on the line; in Winnipeg, Pierre Poilievre is testing out his cosplay routine as a 'regular guy,' and in both cities, Jagmeet Singh and the NDP are fighting to strengthen their national position.
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- If Justin Trudeau thinks he can pull the rope-a-dope on Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre—like Muhammad Ali did to George Foreman in 1974— he’s got another thing coming.
- If Justin Trudeau thinks he can pull the rope-a-dope on Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre—like Muhammad Ali did to George Foreman in 1974— he’s got another thing coming.
- Until we next go to the federal ballot box, beware of people say they know how the story ends. In every election there are candidate upsets that prove the final say happens in the ballot box—not in a polling summary. As it should be.
- Until we next go to the federal ballot box, beware of people say they know how the story ends. In every election there are candidate upsets that prove the final say happens in the ballot box—not in a polling summary. As it should be.
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