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- There is no constitutional basis in the law, powers, and privileges of the House to order documents to be given to the RCMP through the Office of the Law Clerk, particularly when there’s no parliamentary purpose or proceeding for which said documents are to be used or considered.
- There is no constitutional basis in the law, powers, and privileges of the House to order documents to be given to the RCMP through the Office of the Law Clerk, particularly when there’s no parliamentary purpose or proceeding for which said documents are to be used or considered.
- The attempt to oust the PM at caucus was ‘unorganized’ and ‘haphazard’ said ex-Liberal staffer Nick McRoberts, but other forms of pressure must be tried because the party can’t win with Trudeau. Meanwhile, pollster Greg Lyle says the longer the infighting continues, the better it is for opposition parties, especially the NDP.
- The attempt to oust the PM at caucus was ‘unorganized’ and ‘haphazard’ said ex-Liberal staffer Nick McRoberts, but other forms of pressure must be tried because the party can’t win with Trudeau. Meanwhile, pollster Greg Lyle says the longer the infighting continues, the better it is for opposition parties, especially the NDP.
- There are a number of government bills as well as opposition motions on the docket for the MPs to address once the House finishes two debates on the questions of privilege put forward by Conservative MPs.
- There are a number of government bills as well as opposition motions on the docket for the MPs to address once the House finishes two debates on the questions of privilege put forward by Conservative MPs.
- Parliament is at a standstill over a set of records from a now-defunct agency, but has yet to go after the many instances where obstructed or embarrassing records from existing agencies are highly exempt.
- Parliament is at a standstill over a set of records from a now-defunct agency, but has yet to go after the many instances where obstructed or embarrassing records from existing agencies are highly exempt.
- As some look for a way forward in Parliament, it's 'preposterous' to say the NDP aren't standing up to the Tories, says NDP House Leader Peter Julian.
- As some look for a way forward in Parliament, it's 'preposterous' to say the NDP aren't standing up to the Tories, says NDP House Leader Peter Julian.
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