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- Given the reality of climate change, the demand for federal disaster assistance will only increase. The answer cannot always be 'send in the military.'
- Given the reality of climate change, the demand for federal disaster assistance will only increase. The answer cannot always be 'send in the military.'
- CAF senior leadership needs to regain the trust of the rank and file, which won’t be easy without the political will to effect major changes.
- CAF senior leadership needs to regain the trust of the rank and file, which won’t be easy without the political will to effect major changes.
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- With both internal and external pressures on the Canadian Armed Forces, this is an 'extremely challenging' time for any new chief of defence staff regardless of background, says Mount Saint Vincent University professor Maya Eichler.
- Let the CAF focus on rebuilding its ranks, and expand on the existing veteran-led humanitarian organization Team Rubicon Canada.
- Let the CAF focus on rebuilding its ranks, and expand on the existing veteran-led humanitarian organization Team Rubicon Canada.
- The Liberal government should put out the call for former service members to return to duty on an emergency call-up basis to enrol and train the new admissions.
- The Liberal government should put out the call for former service members to return to duty on an emergency call-up basis to enrol and train the new admissions.
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