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- Many of the hawkish pundits are self-flagellating in anticipation of facing Trump's wrath, but we need to look at the situation from a detached perspective.
- Many of the hawkish pundits are self-flagellating in anticipation of facing Trump's wrath, but we need to look at the situation from a detached perspective.
- Ottawa has revealed that the cost of building the Navy's long-delayed supply ships has surged by nearly $1-billion, reaching a total of over $5.2-billion. This is the latest episode in the ongoing issues plaguing Canada's defence procurement system.
- Ottawa has revealed that the cost of building the Navy's long-delayed supply ships has surged by nearly $1-billion, reaching a total of over $5.2-billion. This is the latest episode in the ongoing issues plaguing Canada's defence procurement system.
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- Given the reality of climate change, the demand for federal disaster assistance will only increase. The answer cannot always be 'send in the military.'
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- The war in Ukraine has informed NATO allies and Canadian procurement strategies in 'all kinds of ways,' says defence expert David Perry.
- The new defence policy should have created a strategy that would see our military structured as a maritime force, prioritizing the CAF’s sea and air domains supplemented by space and cyber capabilities.
- The new defence policy should have created a strategy that would see our military structured as a maritime force, prioritizing the CAF’s sea and air domains supplemented by space and cyber capabilities.
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