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- The tech billionaire and Trump confidante has recently attacked incumbent governments in Canada, the U.K., and Germany, prompting Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge to warn that 'we need to do everything in our power to defend and protect Canada.'
- The tech billionaire and Trump confidante has recently attacked incumbent governments in Canada, the U.K., and Germany, prompting Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge to warn that 'we need to do everything in our power to defend and protect Canada.'
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- At least five Liberal MPs are expected to be promoted to cabinet in the long-awaited change of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's senior ranks on Friday.
- At least five Liberal MPs are expected to be promoted to cabinet in the long-awaited change of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's senior ranks on Friday.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is consulting his most trusted political aides about his future, say some Liberal sources.
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is consulting his most trusted political aides about his future, say some Liberal sources.
- The upcoming shuffle is unlikely to improve the Liberals' electoral fortunes, says Darrell Bricker, CEO of Ipsos Public Affairs.
- The upcoming shuffle is unlikely to improve the Liberals' electoral fortunes, says Darrell Bricker, CEO of Ipsos Public Affairs.
- Post-shuffle changes have also led to a new chief of staff being promoted to run Jean-Yves Duclos’ office as minister of public services and procurement.
- Post-shuffle changes have also led to a new chief of staff being promoted to run Jean-Yves Duclos’ office as minister of public services and procurement.
- Plus, Citizens’ Services Minister Terry Beech has a new Quebec regional adviser and assistant to the parliamentary secretary on his team.
- Plus, Citizens’ Services Minister Terry Beech has a new Quebec regional adviser and assistant to the parliamentary secretary on his team.
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