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- Liberal MP Ken Hardie says it was a ‘mistake’ not to adopt the Reform Act, and caucus has ‘learned a very valuable lesson,’ but political scientist Jonathan Malloy doubts MPs will act next Parliament to make changes.
- Liberal MP Ken Hardie says it was a ‘mistake’ not to adopt the Reform Act, and caucus has ‘learned a very valuable lesson,’ but political scientist Jonathan Malloy doubts MPs will act next Parliament to make changes.
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- A quarter of the federal fund to speed up housing development has already been dispensed to municipalities, First Nations, and Quebec.
- A quarter of the federal fund to speed up housing development has already been dispensed to municipalities, First Nations, and Quebec.
- Conservative voters would likely accept new Old Age Security spending as part of a ‘broader range’ of budgetary changes, says former Conservative staffer Yaroslav Baran.
- Conservative voters would likely accept new Old Age Security spending as part of a ‘broader range’ of budgetary changes, says former Conservative staffer Yaroslav Baran.
- Grit strategist Greg MacEachern says the Liberals may have ‘missed the boat’ on defining Pierre Poilievre, allowing the Conservatives to succeed in a messaging vacuum.
- Grit strategist Greg MacEachern says the Liberals may have ‘missed the boat’ on defining Pierre Poilievre, allowing the Conservatives to succeed in a messaging vacuum.
- While Quebec is not typically Conservative-friendly territory, as long as the Bloc prevents the Liberals from maintaining their base, it will help the Tories, says pollster Darrell Bricker.
- While Quebec is not typically Conservative-friendly territory, as long as the Bloc prevents the Liberals from maintaining their base, it will help the Tories, says pollster Darrell Bricker.
- The grinding noise coming out of Ottawa these days is the sound of change.
- The grinding noise coming out of Ottawa these days is the sound of change.
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