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- Relief requires a short-term solution because an election is coming, and Bill C-56 ain’t it. In fact, I would go as far as calling it useless.
- Relief requires a short-term solution because an election is coming, and Bill C-56 ain’t it. In fact, I would go as far as calling it useless.
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- While politicians hurl accusations and recycle old ideological claims, their lives are mostly untouched by current financial pressures; they, along with grocery store executives, well-cushioned pensioners and parents who can somehow still afford Taylor Swift tickets.
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- Failure to act on the climate emergency increases our costs, from extreme weather events costing billions of dollars each year, to inflation driven in part by climate events that destroy crops and reduce yields.
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- Competition Commissioner Matthew Boswell’s latest report says the current state of the grocery business hurts consumers and does not drive companies to lower their prices.
- The federal government received a draft of the code in late 2022, following more than a year of negotiations between industry groups representing farmers, national retail chains, independent grocers and food processors.
- The federal government received a draft of the code in late 2022, following more than a year of negotiations between industry groups representing farmers, national retail chains, independent grocers and food processors.
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