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- For one, we need to get pharmacare up and running, starting with birth control and diabetes medications, and then expanding to other drugs.
- For one, we need to get pharmacare up and running, starting with birth control and diabetes medications, and then expanding to other drugs.
- In Montreal, Justin Trudeau is putting his leadership on the line; in Winnipeg, Pierre Poilievre is testing out his cosplay routine as a 'regular guy,' and in both cities, Jagmeet Singh and the NDP are fighting to strengthen their national position.
- In Montreal, Justin Trudeau is putting his leadership on the line; in Winnipeg, Pierre Poilievre is testing out his cosplay routine as a 'regular guy,' and in both cities, Jagmeet Singh and the NDP are fighting to strengthen their national position.
- If Justin Trudeau thinks he can pull the rope-a-dope on Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre—like Muhammad Ali did to George Foreman in 1974— he’s got another thing coming.
- If Justin Trudeau thinks he can pull the rope-a-dope on Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre—like Muhammad Ali did to George Foreman in 1974— he’s got another thing coming.
- ‘Nobody can say what's going to happen in an election campaign a year away, or even a week away, based on polls,’ says Anne McGrath, principal secretary to NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh.
- ‘Nobody can say what's going to happen in an election campaign a year away, or even a week away, based on polls,’ says Anne McGrath, principal secretary to NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh.
- The Liberals’ relative silence on pharmacare in recent days while NDP leader Jagmeet Singh went on the talk show circuit may be an effort to not ‘give too much oxygen’ to a story that could help their partner in the supply-and-confidence deal, said pollster Nik Nanos.
- The Liberals’ relative silence on pharmacare in recent days while NDP leader Jagmeet Singh went on the talk show circuit may be an effort to not ‘give too much oxygen’ to a story that could help their partner in the supply-and-confidence deal, said pollster Nik Nanos.
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