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- Transitioning to cleaner alternatives such as electric school buses would mean cutting out more than four million tons of carbon dioxide from our emissions every year.
- Transitioning to cleaner alternatives such as electric school buses would mean cutting out more than four million tons of carbon dioxide from our emissions every year.
- The increase in tax is a reinvestment in our economy for a resilient future. A small levy on current consumption can help enable long-term national prosperity. Opposition to the climate plan will subside in due course as trust in the governance structure is established and the benefits get recognized over time.
- The increase in tax is a reinvestment in our economy for a resilient future. A small levy on current consumption can help enable long-term national prosperity. Opposition to the climate plan will subside in due course as trust in the governance structure is established and the benefits get recognized over time.
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- The biggest threats to human health are climate change and biodiversity loss. Canadian medical schools are embedding planetary health into their curricula.
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- Some Indigenous people with previous grassroots legitimacy have become unwitting spokespersons for the extractive economy, contrary to their peoples’ responsibilities to the lands, waters, and the future.
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