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- Mark Carney’s father Bob Carney ran unsuccessfully for the Liberals in Edmonton-South, Alta., in the 1980 federal election.
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- Canadians will reject the Grits in the next election if Trudeau stays put, or ‘boring’ Mark Carney ascends to the throne.
- I’d suggest Pierre Poilievre likely knew Jagmeet Singh would inevitably cancel the deal with the Liberals this fall, which is why he ran his attack ads in the summer. He wanted to take credit for what was going to happen anyway.
- I’d suggest Pierre Poilievre likely knew Jagmeet Singh would inevitably cancel the deal with the Liberals this fall, which is why he ran his attack ads in the summer. He wanted to take credit for what was going to happen anyway.
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- In places of political power, loyalty is usually a scarce commodity. Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland might be learning this right now since media reports say she seems to be losing friends in the PMO.
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