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- To pay our way in an unforgiving and very competitive world, Canada must produce and sell exports to customers in other markets.
- To pay our way in an unforgiving and very competitive world, Canada must produce and sell exports to customers in other markets.
- Green energy transition won't happen overnight, and demand for oil and natural gas will persist, according to a former chief economic analyst at Statistics Canada.
- Green energy transition won't happen overnight, and demand for oil and natural gas will persist, according to a former chief economic analyst at Statistics Canada.
- The Liberal government has proposed several investment tax credits intended to support the energy transition, but none have yet passed into law.
- The Liberal government has proposed several investment tax credits intended to support the energy transition, but none have yet passed into law.
- Government, educational institutions, and industry must work hand in hand to accelerate Canada's competitive advantage, creating an ecosystem where our businesses can thrive and contribute to a more robust economy.
- Government, educational institutions, and industry must work hand in hand to accelerate Canada's competitive advantage, creating an ecosystem where our businesses can thrive and contribute to a more robust economy.
- Watch what happens in Australia this summer, and then what happens in the Northern Hemisphere next year.
- Watch what happens in Australia this summer, and then what happens in the Northern Hemisphere next year.
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