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- Bill C-73 is a much-needed piece of legislation that would give the National Biodiversity Strategy legal teeth, and make it enforceable by the courts.
- Bill C-73 is a much-needed piece of legislation that would give the National Biodiversity Strategy legal teeth, and make it enforceable by the courts.
- Despite ongoing conservation efforts across the country, biodiversity continues to decline, and the number of species at risk of extinction continues to grow.
- Despite ongoing conservation efforts across the country, biodiversity continues to decline, and the number of species at risk of extinction continues to grow.
- Sustained leadership, and a spirit of innovation and partnership today, can help forge the models of Crown-Indigenous relations that can carry Indigenous communities, sustainable natural resource management, healthy ecosystems, and vibrant local economies into the future.
- Sustained leadership, and a spirit of innovation and partnership today, can help forge the models of Crown-Indigenous relations that can carry Indigenous communities, sustainable natural resource management, healthy ecosystems, and vibrant local economies into the future.
- A biennial prize to Canadians who’ve made significant contributions to the preservation of land, ocean, and species is returning with a new name.
- A biennial prize to Canadians who’ve made significant contributions to the preservation of land, ocean, and species is returning with a new name.
- The fifth International Marine Protected Areas Conference in Vancouver is the chance to chart a course towards a world where we are not just neighbours, but also caretakers of our ocean ecosystems.
- The fifth International Marine Protected Areas Conference in Vancouver is the chance to chart a course towards a world where we are not just neighbours, but also caretakers of our ocean ecosystems.
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