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- Most remote communities rely on diesel as the primary source of electricity generation and heating, which puts energy security at risk.
- Most remote communities rely on diesel as the primary source of electricity generation and heating, which puts energy security at risk.

- Last year marked a tipping point in Canada's ongoing battle with climate change. The degree of devastation experienced across the nation was unprecedented, both in scale and intensity.
- Last year marked a tipping point in Canada's ongoing battle with climate change. The degree of devastation experienced across the nation was unprecedented, both in scale and intensity.
- Annual increases in electricity demand from expanded use of EVs could require the equivalent of 10 new mega hydro dams or 13 large natural gas plants, according a recent Fraser Institute study.
- Annual increases in electricity demand from expanded use of EVs could require the equivalent of 10 new mega hydro dams or 13 large natural gas plants, according a recent Fraser Institute study.
- Focusing solely on capitalism for corporations that have been hyper-focused on self-serving profits is costing Canadians dearly.
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- We need to quantify the thermal energy produced from the ground by a heat pump as renewable energy. Widespread adoption of this zero-carbon technology would produce more renewable energy than all the hydro dams, wind turbines, and solar panels currently operating in Canada.
- We need to quantify the thermal energy produced from the ground by a heat pump as renewable energy. Widespread adoption of this zero-carbon technology would produce more renewable energy than all the hydro dams, wind turbines, and solar panels currently operating in Canada.

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