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- After playing a crucial role in Canada’s mission in Afghanistan, cultural advisers face disparity in recognition and care.
- After playing a crucial role in Canada’s mission in Afghanistan, cultural advisers face disparity in recognition and care.
- Over 10 years, the number of recommendations made by the House Veterans Affairs Committee, Defence Committee, the Senate National Defence Committee and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee counts in the dozens—more if you include additional advice from my office, and that of the Veterans Ombudsman. However, the government has acted on very few of these suggestions.
- Over 10 years, the number of recommendations made by the House Veterans Affairs Committee, Defence Committee, the Senate National Defence Committee and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee counts in the dozens—more if you include additional advice from my office, and that of the Veterans Ombudsman. However, the government has acted on very few of these suggestions.
- The current offensive fails to address two important factors that have led the military to its worrisome personnel circumstances: systemic flaws in the recruitment process, and under investments in human resources.
- The current offensive fails to address two important factors that have led the military to its worrisome personnel circumstances: systemic flaws in the recruitment process, and under investments in human resources.
- Apologists will dismiss this crisis as a common challenge to maintain a peacetime army, but these can hardly be considered peaceful times.
- Apologists will dismiss this crisis as a common challenge to maintain a peacetime army, but these can hardly be considered peaceful times.
- Government leaders must work together to ensure that Canadian Armed Forces members and their families do not suffer.
- Government leaders must work together to ensure that Canadian Armed Forces members and their families do not suffer.
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