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- The tech billionaire and Trump confidante has recently attacked incumbent governments in Canada, the U.K., and Germany, prompting Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge to warn that 'we need to do everything in our power to defend and protect Canada.'
- The tech billionaire and Trump confidante has recently attacked incumbent governments in Canada, the U.K., and Germany, prompting Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge to warn that 'we need to do everything in our power to defend and protect Canada.'
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- Plus, Optimum Publishing to host launch of the Mosaic Effect at the 3 Brasseurs on Oct. 25, and University of Toronto professor Akwasi Owusu-Bempah, co-author of Waiting to Inhale: Cannabis Legalization and the Fight for Racial Justice to keynote the Institute for Research on Public Policy's fall lecture in Ottawa on Nov. 8.
- Plus, Optimum Publishing to host launch of the Mosaic Effect at the 3 Brasseurs on Oct. 25, and University of Toronto professor Akwasi Owusu-Bempah, co-author of Waiting to Inhale: Cannabis Legalization and the Fight for Racial Justice to keynote the Institute for Research on Public Policy's fall lecture in Ottawa on Nov. 8.
- Launching a caucus instead of a committee has ‘far fewer’ logistical hurdles, which is vital because ‘time is not on our side,’ said ISG Senator Colin Deacon.
- Launching a caucus instead of a committee has ‘far fewer’ logistical hurdles, which is vital because ‘time is not on our side,’ said ISG Senator Colin Deacon.
- Plus, NDP MP Randall Garrison has announced he will not be running in the next federal race, and the Liberals have nominated Ben Carr, son of the late Jim Carr, for the upcoming Winnipeg byelection.
- Plus, NDP MP Randall Garrison has announced he will not be running in the next federal race, and the Liberals have nominated Ben Carr, son of the late Jim Carr, for the upcoming Winnipeg byelection.
- The current information landscape is a feedback loop where 'you come for the ideology, and you stay despite the science-free lunacy,’ says health misinformation expert Timothy Caulfield.
- The current information landscape is a feedback loop where 'you come for the ideology, and you stay despite the science-free lunacy,’ says health misinformation expert Timothy Caulfield.
- Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner praises Substack as the ‘anti-Twitter,’ but a Carleton journalism professor says MPs could use the platform to avoid direct accountability.
- Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner praises Substack as the ‘anti-Twitter,’ but a Carleton journalism professor says MPs could use the platform to avoid direct accountability.
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