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- A second Trump presidency would bring chaos to an already divided America, and sow confusion in an increasingly uncertain and dangerous world. If that is the outcome Americans choose, then Canadians have to seek out remedies.
- A second Trump presidency would bring chaos to an already divided America, and sow confusion in an increasingly uncertain and dangerous world. If that is the outcome Americans choose, then Canadians have to seek out remedies.
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- History shows that this bout of economic nationalism will pass, but just how or when is unknown. What is known is that nations need to plan for the risks of economic nationalism as it plays out in the U.S., China, and in Europe.
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- A ‘stable, long-term’ solution is possible, but that’s hampered by an ‘accountability problem,’ and it's on display right now in Manitoba’s provincial election, says Brian Topp.
- Today’s political world is too full of hype and cheap shots, where soundbites masquerade as policy. As a minister, Ed Lumley always reached across the aisle and embodied a 'Team Canada' approach years before the term was coined.
- Today’s political world is too full of hype and cheap shots, where soundbites masquerade as policy. As a minister, Ed Lumley always reached across the aisle and embodied a 'Team Canada' approach years before the term was coined.
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- The outstanding health action plans are an ‘urgent’ matter, but provinces must take the time to get them ‘as close to right as possible’ says the president of the Canadian Medical Association.
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