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- Billionaire tech CEO Elon Musk's endorsement is a 'double-edged sword,' according to pollster Nik Nanos.
- Billionaire tech CEO Elon Musk's endorsement is a 'double-edged sword,' according to pollster Nik Nanos.
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- The macro result of these preferential tax policies is that wealth inequality has ballooned, and contributed to our political instability and revolts.
- The macro result of these preferential tax policies is that wealth inequality has ballooned, and contributed to our political instability and revolts.
- The big issues facing Canada will likely be sidelined since neither Liberals nor Conservatives want to face up to them even though this country’s future is really what the election should be about. Will we end up with disenchanted voters, worn out by partisan half-truths and efforts to demonize political opponents, and a low voter turnout?
- The big issues facing Canada will likely be sidelined since neither Liberals nor Conservatives want to face up to them even though this country’s future is really what the election should be about. Will we end up with disenchanted voters, worn out by partisan half-truths and efforts to demonize political opponents, and a low voter turnout?
- ‘This unpopular tax is more popular than the Liberals,’ so they see it as a way to ‘bump up their numbers,’ says pollster Nik Nanos.
- ‘This unpopular tax is more popular than the Liberals,’ so they see it as a way to ‘bump up their numbers,’ says pollster Nik Nanos.
- We know that a decade of personal and corporate tax cuts under the Paul Martin and Stephen Harper governments failed to produce the hoped-for economic boom.
- We know that a decade of personal and corporate tax cuts under the Paul Martin and Stephen Harper governments failed to produce the hoped-for economic boom.
- It’s unlikely that Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, or any of their early-stage investors were fixated on the capital gains tax rate when they launched their businesses.
- It’s unlikely that Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, or any of their early-stage investors were fixated on the capital gains tax rate when they launched their businesses.
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