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- Today’s politics is entirely personality and performances. The bickering plays out like an annoying soundtrack, and the temptation to tune it out can be overwhelming—and unwise. Politicians can invent and evade facts all they want. Climate change doesn’t care. But we should.
- Today’s politics is entirely personality and performances. The bickering plays out like an annoying soundtrack, and the temptation to tune it out can be overwhelming—and unwise. Politicians can invent and evade facts all they want. Climate change doesn’t care. But we should.
- A truly progressive conservative, Mulroney inherited the democratic tradition of brokerage decision-making in the public interest.
- A truly progressive conservative, Mulroney inherited the democratic tradition of brokerage decision-making in the public interest.
- While Carney can be charming and down to earth, he is certainly not attuned to the low-level, thuggish discourse dominating today’s public discourse.
- While Carney can be charming and down to earth, he is certainly not attuned to the low-level, thuggish discourse dominating today’s public discourse.
- The likelihood of the carbon tax becoming a game-changing problem for the government was advanced by the prime minister’s failure to effectively explain to Canadians how it works.
- The likelihood of the carbon tax becoming a game-changing problem for the government was advanced by the prime minister’s failure to effectively explain to Canadians how it works.
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