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- Canada is guilty of a lack of concerted action against states committing gross human rights violations, enabling anti-Muslim hate to grow, including when there is a nexus in Canada.
- Canada is guilty of a lack of concerted action against states committing gross human rights violations, enabling anti-Muslim hate to grow, including when there is a nexus in Canada.
- Can Canada not, at least, rescue individual women, especially those who worked with Canadians on various women’s 'empowerment programs' during the war? You would think so, but it isn’t happening quickly enough for a group of six MPs, from all parties, who have been lobbying government since October to get eight especially vulnerable Afghan women to safety.
- Can Canada not, at least, rescue individual women, especially those who worked with Canadians on various women’s 'empowerment programs' during the war? You would think so, but it isn’t happening quickly enough for a group of six MPs, from all parties, who have been lobbying government since October to get eight especially vulnerable Afghan women to safety.
- It's inconceivable that Canada is silent while a woman is raped every 17 minutes in India. Canada can't just choose certain women and ignore others. There should never be a day when women like Bilkis Bano have to battle alone.
- It's inconceivable that Canada is silent while a woman is raped every 17 minutes in India. Canada can't just choose certain women and ignore others. There should never be a day when women like Bilkis Bano have to battle alone.
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