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- My admiration for the 18th prime minister grew as I learned more about how he managed a caucus and cabinet as he and his government became one of the most activist ever in Canadian history.
- My admiration for the 18th prime minister grew as I learned more about how he managed a caucus and cabinet as he and his government became one of the most activist ever in Canadian history.
- Peter O’Malley, a skilled communications consultant who had also served as Ed Broadbent’s press secretary in the late 1970s and 1980s, died on Jan. 12. He was a gifted storyteller, lovely, fun, curious, intelligent, and one of the Hill's best conversationalists.
- Peter O’Malley, a skilled communications consultant who had also served as Ed Broadbent’s press secretary in the late 1970s and 1980s, died on Jan. 12. He was a gifted storyteller, lovely, fun, curious, intelligent, and one of the Hill's best conversationalists.
- The Little Guy from Shawinigan will be turning 90 years old on Jan. 11. He becomes only the fifth prime minister to enter his 90s after Sir Mackenzie Bowell, Sir Charles Tupper, Louis St.-Laurent, and more recently, John Napier Turner.
- The Little Guy from Shawinigan will be turning 90 years old on Jan. 11. He becomes only the fifth prime minister to enter his 90s after Sir Mackenzie Bowell, Sir Charles Tupper, Louis St.-Laurent, and more recently, John Napier Turner.
- In his just-released volume, The Duel: Diefenbaker, Pearson, and the Making of Modern Canada, John Ibbitson gives the 13th prime minister a fair shake after the positive aspects of Diefenbaker’s legacy were dismissed by many historians.
- In his just-released volume, The Duel: Diefenbaker, Pearson, and the Making of Modern Canada, John Ibbitson gives the 13th prime minister a fair shake after the positive aspects of Diefenbaker’s legacy were dismissed by many historians.
- In June 1983, change was in the air as Tory delegates gathered at the convention in Ottawa. Brian Mulroney went on to win the biggest majority in Canadian history when the Progressive Conservatives won 211 seats in the House. Today, he's recognized as 'one of the most significant and important prime ministers Canada has ever had.'
- In June 1983, change was in the air as Tory delegates gathered at the convention in Ottawa. Brian Mulroney went on to win the biggest majority in Canadian history when the Progressive Conservatives won 211 seats in the House. Today, he's recognized as 'one of the most significant and important prime ministers Canada has ever had.'
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