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- Justin Trudeau ‘showed a lot of honesty’ when outlining his plans to step down, says former Liberal staffer Olivier Cullen. But former Conservative staffer Mitch Heimpel says Trudeau was ‘embodying every criticism made of him for the last 10 years.’
- Justin Trudeau ‘showed a lot of honesty’ when outlining his plans to step down, says former Liberal staffer Olivier Cullen. But former Conservative staffer Mitch Heimpel says Trudeau was ‘embodying every criticism made of him for the last 10 years.’
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- The past few years have seen an unprecedented surge in the prices of essential agricultural inputs, including fuel, fertilizer, feed, machinery, pesticides, land, and labour. This surge has placed tremendous pressure on the shoulders of farmers and stakeholders across the agri-food value chain.
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- The food industry launched the new Code for the Responsible Advertising of Food and Beverage Products to Children in mid-2021, with implementation slated for July 1.
- The federal government received a draft of the code in late 2022, following more than a year of negotiations between industry groups representing farmers, national retail chains, independent grocers and food processors.
- The federal government received a draft of the code in late 2022, following more than a year of negotiations between industry groups representing farmers, national retail chains, independent grocers and food processors.
- About 5.8 million people across the country suffered food insecurity in 2021, and the situation has worsened since.
- About 5.8 million people across the country suffered food insecurity in 2021, and the situation has worsened since.
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