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- The tech billionaire and Trump confidante has recently attacked incumbent governments in Canada, the U.K., and Germany, prompting Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge to warn that 'we need to do everything in our power to defend and protect Canada.'
- The tech billionaire and Trump confidante has recently attacked incumbent governments in Canada, the U.K., and Germany, prompting Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge to warn that 'we need to do everything in our power to defend and protect Canada.'
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- CIBC said it is skeptical about Global News' parent firm Corus’ ability to pay down and refinance its debts.
- CIBC said it is skeptical about Global News' parent firm Corus’ ability to pay down and refinance its debts.
- Conservative pundit Yaroslav Baran says 'it is a legitimate policy perspective to say that if we want to protect the integrity of a free press, there's got to be a better business case then state subsidies to news organizations.'
- Conservative pundit Yaroslav Baran says 'it is a legitimate policy perspective to say that if we want to protect the integrity of a free press, there's got to be a better business case then state subsidies to news organizations.'
- Bell Media says it lost $140-million in advertising revenues last year while its new division suffered more than $40-million in operating costs.
- Bell Media says it lost $140-million in advertising revenues last year while its new division suffered more than $40-million in operating costs.
- The CRTC plans to publish the framework and code of conduct for negotiations this summer, while the government says 'it takes two to negotiate' of impasse with Meta.
- The CRTC plans to publish the framework and code of conduct for negotiations this summer, while the government says 'it takes two to negotiate' of impasse with Meta.
- Former CBC News Hill bureau chief Chris Waddell says the CBC isn't immune from cuts, but says the government should decide what role it wants the public broadcaster to play in the current media environment.
- Former CBC News Hill bureau chief Chris Waddell says the CBC isn't immune from cuts, but says the government should decide what role it wants the public broadcaster to play in the current media environment.
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