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- The Online Harms Act would create room for the government to step in to the mess that is online forums, where people can hurl hate speech at each other with impunity.
- The Online Harms Act would create room for the government to step in to the mess that is online forums, where people can hurl hate speech at each other with impunity.
- Political insiders say the gender identity and trans rights issue may not be a defining one in the next election, but it could dampen the enthusiasm of some minority communities, such as Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Chinese, and Eastern European immigrant communities that tend to be socially conservative, and that have previously voted for the Liberals.
- Political insiders say the gender identity and trans rights issue may not be a defining one in the next election, but it could dampen the enthusiasm of some minority communities, such as Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Chinese, and Eastern European immigrant communities that tend to be socially conservative, and that have previously voted for the Liberals.
- Alberta Premier Danielle Smith's new policies restricting health care for trans children is 'just the polite political expression' of anti-queer and anti-trans hate, says trans advocate Fae Johnstone.
- Alberta Premier Danielle Smith's new policies restricting health care for trans children is 'just the polite political expression' of anti-queer and anti-trans hate, says trans advocate Fae Johnstone.
- Debbie Owusu-Akyeeah says advocates and organizations serving Canada’s trans and gender-diverse community fear their hard-won progress could all be lost with a change in government without sustained funding beyond the next election cycle.
- Debbie Owusu-Akyeeah says advocates and organizations serving Canada’s trans and gender-diverse community fear their hard-won progress could all be lost with a change in government without sustained funding beyond the next election cycle.
- There are real impacts to hateful behaviour, which is why outing someone who has not formed adequate community supports, and whose family support is questionable, is a bad idea.
- There are real impacts to hateful behaviour, which is why outing someone who has not formed adequate community supports, and whose family support is questionable, is a bad idea.
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