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- Plus, European missions are hosting a Eurovision watch party in Ottawa, Bloc Leader Blanchet will speak in Montreal on May 14, and the 20th Century Boys to perform fundraising concert.
- Plus, European missions are hosting a Eurovision watch party in Ottawa, Bloc Leader Blanchet will speak in Montreal on May 14, and the 20th Century Boys to perform fundraising concert.
- After being admonished in the House of Commons on April 17, ArriveCan contractor Kristian Firth confirms the RCMP searched his property, but that it was not related to the ArriveCan investigation.
- After being admonished in the House of Commons on April 17, ArriveCan contractor Kristian Firth confirms the RCMP searched his property, but that it was not related to the ArriveCan investigation.
- Antonio Utano, a director-general at the Canada Revenue Agency, and Cameron MacDonald, an assistant deputy minister at Health Canada, have been suspended without pay over contract misconduct allegations and had their security clearance revoked as the ArriveCan debacle unfolded.
- Antonio Utano, a director-general at the Canada Revenue Agency, and Cameron MacDonald, an assistant deputy minister at Health Canada, have been suspended without pay over contract misconduct allegations and had their security clearance revoked as the ArriveCan debacle unfolded.
- The maintenance of the existing ArriveCan application costs just under $3-million annually.
- The maintenance of the existing ArriveCan application costs just under $3-million annually.
- GC Strategies expressed its 'disagreement' with the auditor general’s estimate it was paid $19.1-million for the ArriveCan build prior to the release of the Feb. 12 report, which noted it was 'possible that some amounts attributed to ArriveCan were not for the application.'
- GC Strategies expressed its 'disagreement' with the auditor general’s estimate it was paid $19.1-million for the ArriveCan build prior to the release of the Feb. 12 report, which noted it was 'possible that some amounts attributed to ArriveCan were not for the application.'
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