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- Canada’s largest residential landlords say a shortage of new supply is at the heart of the housing crisis, but researchers and advocates are warning about the loss of affordable rental units.
- Canada’s largest residential landlords say a shortage of new supply is at the heart of the housing crisis, but researchers and advocates are warning about the loss of affordable rental units.
- The Liberal government announced a suite of fairly remarkable measures to tackle money laundering with its recent budget. These long-overdue initiatives will enhance the detection, policing, and prosecution of money laundering.
- The Liberal government announced a suite of fairly remarkable measures to tackle money laundering with its recent budget. These long-overdue initiatives will enhance the detection, policing, and prosecution of money laundering.
- Pensioners are not the culprits when employers become insolvent, but they are frequently made the scapegoat. Long-overdue legislation now before the Senate can make the difference.
- Pensioners are not the culprits when employers become insolvent, but they are frequently made the scapegoat. Long-overdue legislation now before the Senate can make the difference.
- It’s time for Canada to catch up to countries that have legal frameworks encouraging corporations to state their purpose. That’s not to say companies shouldn’t be able to make a profit. But as the British Academy stated in 2019, 'The purpose of business is to solve the problems of people and planet profitably, and not profit from causing problems.'
- It’s time for Canada to catch up to countries that have legal frameworks encouraging corporations to state their purpose. That’s not to say companies shouldn’t be able to make a profit. But as the British Academy stated in 2019, 'The purpose of business is to solve the problems of people and planet profitably, and not profit from causing problems.'
- Both supporters and opponents of the new tax measure introduced in the fall economic statement are skeptical of the government's claim it will encourage companies 'to reinvest their profits in workers and in Canada.'
- Both supporters and opponents of the new tax measure introduced in the fall economic statement are skeptical of the government's claim it will encourage companies 'to reinvest their profits in workers and in Canada.'
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