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- Mark Carney’s task force may improve things at the margins, but we will need much more than a short-term project.
- Mark Carney’s task force may improve things at the margins, but we will need much more than a short-term project.
- If Canadians want a better-performing economy, then much more attention will have to be focused on innovation-driven productivity, skills training, and bringing more Canadians into the workforce and keeping them there for longer. But immigration will also matter.
- If Canadians want a better-performing economy, then much more attention will have to be focused on innovation-driven productivity, skills training, and bringing more Canadians into the workforce and keeping them there for longer. But immigration will also matter.
- The Bennett Jones report sets out some directions in taxation, competition, immigration, investment, and the green energy transition, but no policy map. It also warns that we will have to choose between spending cutbacks or broad-based tax increases as government spending will need to be focused on investment, not consumption.
- The Bennett Jones report sets out some directions in taxation, competition, immigration, investment, and the green energy transition, but no policy map. It also warns that we will have to choose between spending cutbacks or broad-based tax increases as government spending will need to be focused on investment, not consumption.
- The big issues facing Canada will likely be sidelined since neither Liberals nor Conservatives want to face up to them even though this country’s future is really what the election should be about. Will we end up with disenchanted voters, worn out by partisan half-truths and efforts to demonize political opponents, and a low voter turnout?
- The big issues facing Canada will likely be sidelined since neither Liberals nor Conservatives want to face up to them even though this country’s future is really what the election should be about. Will we end up with disenchanted voters, worn out by partisan half-truths and efforts to demonize political opponents, and a low voter turnout?
- Focusing only on recovery from the current economic slowdown is not the end game: that should be the creation of a new Canadian economy with a growing number of high-value domestic businesses that can flourish in the global economy.
- Focusing only on recovery from the current economic slowdown is not the end game: that should be the creation of a new Canadian economy with a growing number of high-value domestic businesses that can flourish in the global economy.
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