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- Parliament's hyper-partisan climate has made the Speaker’s job doubly difficult, but Greg Fergus can defuse crisis situations with his moderate demeanour. But the Conservatives feel that any venial sin is reason for his dismissal.
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- Pierre Poilievre’s reference to 'my laws,' is eerily reminiscent of Donald Trump's vocabulary. Laws do not come from one individual, but are introduced by governments, usually under the guidance of the justice minister, and the prime minister.
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- The former prime minister, who celebrated his 90th birthday last week, told The Hill Times he has no plans to retire, ever. His father’s advice to him when he was a boy: 'bouger ou rouiller,' or 'move or get rusted.' He has taken that advice to heart ever since.
- The former prime minister, who celebrated his 90th birthday last week, told The Hill Times he has no plans to retire, ever. His father’s advice to him when he was a boy: 'bouger ou rouiller,' or 'move or get rusted.' He has taken that advice to heart ever since.
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