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- As ocean nations, there is significant economic opportunity in achieving emissions reductions targets through the sustainable development of our ocean and the solutions it can provide.
- As ocean nations, there is significant economic opportunity in achieving emissions reductions targets through the sustainable development of our ocean and the solutions it can provide.
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- As we look at the challenges ahead, we need to take urgent action that will benefit our environment, our economy and our society. This is our moonshot opportunity—will we let it pass us by?
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- We need to build a new economy where innovation and productivity make real increases in per capita well-being in income and wealth generation to address the demands of health care, achieving net-zero emissions, education, and more defence spending.
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- The International Monetary Fund presents a sobering outlook for Canada's economy over the next few years, warning us again that we need to become more innovative and creative so that our productivity performance improves.
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