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- There will likely be a change in government in the near future, and a new laser focus on fiscal restraint. This will undoubtedly drive a conversation on the role of government: what should it be doing, and what can be better—and more cost-effectively—done by others?
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- Pierre Poilievre is right: Indigenous communities are more successful when they can determine their own futures. This is not something for a federal government to 'give.' The hard work of reconciliation is making sure Indigenous Peoples have the right support to do the job themselves.
- From regional tensions to a housing crisis, to a fiscal situation that's 'not as healthy as it once was,' political and policy expert Donald Savoie says Clerk of the Privy Council John Hannaford will be working within an 'extremely demanding' environment.
- From regional tensions to a housing crisis, to a fiscal situation that's 'not as healthy as it once was,' political and policy expert Donald Savoie says Clerk of the Privy Council John Hannaford will be working within an 'extremely demanding' environment.
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- Janice Charette’s successor as clerk of the Privy Council, John Hannaford, has been shadowing her in recent weeks in an effort to ensure they ‘don’t miss a beat.’
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