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- The federal government must tell facts apart from fiction and stand its ground on its clean electricity strategy.
- The federal government must tell facts apart from fiction and stand its ground on its clean electricity strategy.
- For the sake of today and tomorrow’s young, Canada needs to follow a ‘sustainable renewables path to net zero’ using all of our people and financial resources.
- For the sake of today and tomorrow’s young, Canada needs to follow a ‘sustainable renewables path to net zero’ using all of our people and financial resources.
- A final draft of Clean Electricity Regulations, part of Canada’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan, are expected to be published before the end of 2024.
- A final draft of Clean Electricity Regulations, part of Canada’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan, are expected to be published before the end of 2024.
- Increased electricity demand is inevitable, and our grid must evolve to support this shift.
- Increased electricity demand is inevitable, and our grid must evolve to support this shift.
- By using personal prudence and AI, Canadians have significant room to curb their electricity usage, helping to reduce the overall electricity that has to be generated.
- By using personal prudence and AI, Canadians have significant room to curb their electricity usage, helping to reduce the overall electricity that has to be generated.
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